Benefits of Amino Acids: Shelly Jo Wahlstrom | Habits for Humans

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In this episode of Habits for Humans with Kim Flynn, we discuss the benefits of Amino Acids and how Amino acids are food for our brain. They help regulate levels of dopamine, seratonin, endorphins and gabba. When your brain doesn’t have enough amino acids, it can show up in cravings: sugar, overeating, or drugs. When you combine amino acids with good nutrition and mental wellness, you have the trifecta of good health!
Welcome to Habits for Humans, the show that explores how to program your brain to maximize your potential. The goal of this podcast is to teach you how to instill systems and habits to live a healthy, sustainable, deeply satisfying way of life.

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OUR GUEST: Shelly Jo Wahlstrom
Website –
Facebook page – Shelly Jo Hypno Amino
Facebook Group – Feed Your Brain Change Your Life
Email Address – [email protected]
Book – FEED YOUR BRAIN CHANGE YOUR LIFE – Take Control of Your Brain, Body, and Emotions

Could Amino Acid Be YOUR Missing Link? (take the popup quiz!) Once you take the quiz, you’ll have a better idea of which amino acids may help you.

10% off any Shelly Jo Hypno Aminos Nutrition Products or services such as personal one-on-one Amino Acid Assessment, Hypnotherapy sessions use code KIMFLYNN – Those who take the quiz and order the fastest, will also receive a Waterproof Amino Acid Travel Pouch with GABA CHILL samples for free.

Purchase FEED YOUR BRAIN, CHANGE YOUR LIFE – Take Control of Your Brain, Body and Emotions – – Great Reference

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Kim Flynn is a best-selling author, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur who has built multiple businesses to 7 and 8 figures. She is the CEO of Card Salad, a health and wellness company that provides organizational products to live a healthy, sustainable, deeply satisfying way of life. Kim is a frequent guest expert in systems and habits on podcasts, television and radio shows.

Do you have expertise and a unique solution to a specific health and wellness problem? If you would like to be a guest on the show, apply here:


Kim Flynn: 0:04

Hi, and welcome to habits for humans. The podcast that explores what makes people tick and how to program this brain of ours to do what we want it to do. We’re going to explore why we can sometimes in some areas of our lives achieve extraordinary accomplishments. While on other times we’re addicted to, uh, playing games on my iPad that I might do for hours at a time. And watching TV. If we want to be healthy and happy, what is the secret to programming our brain to maximize our potential? I’m your host, Kim Flynn. And today we’re going to talk to Shelly, Joe Walston. I’ve known Shelley for several years now. She’s got a really impressive product and something that I know nothing about that I’m so excited to dig into and understand more of. And that is amino acids. She has a whole product line of amino acids. She has some giveaways for you at the end of our, uh, of our show today. So stay tuned to the end for those giveaways, but we’re going to talk about amino acid. Acids nutrition and hypnotherapy., and the benefits of Amino Acids. A really unique combo of three things that I’ve never seen be put together before. Uh, and we’re going to specifically explore more about amino acids. And I really want to know Shelly because I have don’t know anything about them. So. Uh, a word for first from our sponsor. Habits for humans is brought to you by card salad at health and wellness company that teaches you how to program your brain using systems and habits. So you know how everyone wants to eat healthy, but you haven’t gone grocery shopping and it takes so long to meal plan every week. So you end up putting in a freezer, pizza and Mac and cheese for dinner. So, what I did to solve this was create a pro a pro a product and a program called eat well, it’s a done for you meal planning system. It comes with a menu board. You hang on your fridge recipe cards. You always know what’s for dinner. I just done for you shopping lists. There’s no question and habit cards to develop habits to last a lifetime, stay tuned to the end and you’ll get a free week of meal planning delivered straight to your inbox.


I’m excited to read, uh, I’m excited to introduce Shelly Jo. Uh, she is the amino acid lady and a hypnotherapist. She’s a certified hypnotherapist. Uh, she’s certified in addiction, recovery and mental health. Uh, she is an acid specialist. She’s the owner of Shelley Joe Hypnos aminos nutrition. She’s the author of the book, feed your brain. Change your life. Take control of your brain, body, and emotions. And she lives boldly with her family. I love that. We’re gonna say, what are you, I want to ask you the very first question. Very first question, Shelley. So get ready for this. What does it mean to live boldly with your family? I love that. Her favorite name is grandma Shelley. And before we hit record on this podcast, her adorable little granddaughter came in with a picture to show me, which is so cute. And she works with children. Two adults to balance their brain and body health. Self-esteem weight, thoughts, and emotions. Um, there, if there’s one, um, phrase that, uh, incorporates what Shelly Jo is and believes it’s hope and answers come simply life matters. And you. Matter. So let’s jump into. Um, Shelly, what does it mean to live boldly with your family?Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 

Oh, I love that. Kim, you know, Last year during 2020. I went roller skating Uh, and I hadn’t been rollerskating since I was 15 and I went with my daughter to the roller skating rink and I remember loving it so much. It literally took me back in time. Uh you know, I went to class again, it literally looked like it was back in the eighties. Or even the seventies. And I was like, this is so much fun. I had the wind in my hair. I’m like, this is amazing. And I bought me these super expensive skates and my daughter and I had a great time. Well, I took those skits And I thought, you know, I’m going to go skate up on a trail that we have by my house. But I didn’t take into consideration that I had to get there and get home. Well, on the way home, I was working my way back on the cement And went from the sidewalk into the road. and I feel represented by. I have this big scar right here. Yeah. Um, I call this my wonder woman army Because it’s got a plate in there And the funny thing is I would tell people how’d you make up? I’m like I, while I was rollerskating And they laugh and I’m like, why are you laughing? Well, are you all too old to do this? I’m 58 and I am No. And I kind of had to look at things for a minute because I thought to myself, Am I to go roller skating or skiing and dancing and do all the things I do. And I was like, no. No. this life is. is. to live and, and that hit me, that I’m choosing to live boldly. meaning big and show up in my life. Um, and the joy Every bit of it with myself, my family, and. whatever I choose to do.Kim Flynn: 4:45

I love it. I absolutely love that. You’re like, whatever I’m old, I’m going to go roller skating. That’s adorable. I love that. All right. Let’s next question for you. We always start with your number one habit to manage your mental wellness and post COVID post 2020. Uh, managing mental wellness is obviously really, really important and kind of on our national radar. Um, so you talk about, uh, breathing belly breaths and something about a Vegas nerve. Will you talk to us about that? What do you, what do you do? How does this relate to the benefits of Amino Acids?

Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 5:13

I was so when I’m working with my clients, Um And hit most of this One of the things. And especially even myself is belly breathing is when you’re breathing down here. I showed you right here. Rather than here. Because if you see the baby breathe, When they’re little, they belly breathe. Right. That’s how we were. We came out breathing. And yet when. Somehow when we turned vertical, we started breathing here. Right. and and it’s, and it’s a very shallow breath. So I have. When you breathe here, it’s all this. So you can see somebody when they’re breathing. Um, very shallow. It’s this kind of breath. Right. It’s very, and what it is is the fight or flight breath. That means that you’re always in awareness. Oh my gosh. That’s happening. I gotta be aware. And, um, which adds to the stress. The challenge is is, when you, if if this is how you breathe and you struggle with anxiety or worry. stress. But it does, is it makes it worse because. You’re only using the top of your lungs. And so you’re not being able to get the carbon monoxide moving in and out of your body the way it’s supposed to. And so somebody who. It Starts to feel that panic. is they’re trying to take in too much air. And it makes it really hard to breathe. Um, and it causes your lungs to constrict your chest constraints It makes you feel some people would end up in the hospital. They’re having a hard second to having a panic attack. And it’s because they’ve thus. Vegas nerve is the central nerve. in your well it’s The biggest nerve in your central nervous system? And it’s this job is rest and digest. It is a parasympathetic nerve, meaning you can’t turn it off all the way. but you can make it. So it doesn’t work very well. And when it’s not working, then your body’s ability to rest naturally. Doesn’t work as well and digestion. So people who have struggled with digestion. Part of it could be that you’re not that they serve is not engaging. It’s not working. So, what I have my clients do is I say, put your hand on your tummy. and pretend like you have a balloon in there. And I say, you know, visualize what your favorite color is. And then breathe. hereKim Flynn: 7:24

Will you actually take us through maybe like four or five? Uh, belly breaths and keep in mind that it’s a lot of people will be listening to this audio and videos. What kind of walk us through it? Would you mind doing that?Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 7:35

Oh, I’d love to. So what I would first have you just put one hand here, one hand on yourKim Flynn: 7:38

belly. So one hand on your chest and one hand on yourShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 7:41

And I’d have you take a deep breath. And those who are listening. I want you to find out which hand lifts is at this hand. Or is it the bottomKim Flynn: 7:50

here Oh, shoot. It’s the chest head.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 7:54

And the thing is, is we’re not even aware of that. So that would be the first thing. And then That would tell you. So either you’re a. You’re breathing and chest or your brain in your belly. If you can get your belly too, if you start breathing. diaphragmatically in the belly Your body will. We’ll relax naturally. So what I would say is. let’s pretend and imagine you have a balloon in your belly My favorite color obviously is pink. So as I’m breathing in. I’m filling that blue with air. I don’t know if you can see that and exhale. And then I push it back in, right. So you inhale. And you exhale. So there’s no blue But here. So check your movement. There should be no MoMA An XL And if you’re not used to it, it’s. It’s a heart. It’s a different. Um, Sensation. And some people it’s hard because it almost makes you feel like you’re not getting any air. Because you’re not used to breathing down in the, in your, um, your diaphragm. But by doing that is going to bat get engage your vagus nerve again strengthen it. So that it will allow your you to relax. And so if. If anxiety or worry or stress are something you struggle with. Well the first things you can do is get yourself to breathe naturally. The other things you can do is gargle. Or you can home And that will get it to engage. And like I said, it will help your digestion. So for somebody who struggles with digestion. There’s a lot of people that are. Just focusing on your breathing. So that would be my first tip.Kim Flynn: 9:41

Awesome. I’m so interested. So even doing that just for a, you know, 30 seconds or so. I can feel like the, the muscles, especially in my back, just kind of. You know, relax and That’s that’s that’s a really cool. T tell me about humming. I’ve never heard this before. HummingShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 9:59

so humming you know, When you, and you. And you have to hum with like, Vigor like.Kim Flynn: 10:04

Gusto. Like, are we having a song or what are we doingShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 10:10

Anything you want to, is it literally is by humming. You’re just, you’re also working to engage the vagus nerve.Kim Flynn: 10:17

That’s so interesting. Okay.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 10:19

So those couple exercisesKim Flynn: 10:20

As do. I’m too embarrassed with my singing voice to actually come for you. But I’m tempted. I’ll uh, I have a note here on my paper. To harm after and try that out too, but I can feel it still like just that deep, calm, relaxation in my muscles by that belly breathing. And that’s super helpful to put your hand on your chest and put your hand on your stomach to see where you’re coming from. I that.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 10:43

I love it sorry. I you know I I do that Each time I speak in a conference and I’ll say, okay everybody take a deep breath. And like,Kim Flynn: 10:51

nice, nice. Yeah. makes difference. All right. Let’s launch in then Ms. Kelly, Jo, let’s talk about amino acids, the love of your life. One of your, uh, intimate partners. You love amino acids. Tell us what they are. First of all, let’s start there. What are they?Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 11:08

So do you want me to start with what they are or. howKim Flynn: 11:10

howShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 11:10

found himKim Flynn: 11:11

Uh let’s start with what they are firstShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 11:13


So what are the benefits of Amino Acids? What they are is in your brain You have what’s called neuro transmitters And they fire your happy confluence of chemicals So when they’re working that’s what you feel When they quit working or they they’re not working as well Um they become depleted Then symptoms and feelings of anxiety depression Worry Lack of energy lack of sleep Stress Weight gain cravings and addiction become real And so what that does is is when that happens We as humans want to live in that world of homeostasis And so we look for something to make us feel better And we turn to Cravings like sugar and starches It could be Um caffeine chocolate Could be alcohol could be drugs legal or illegal Um could be behaviors such as gaming Gambling pornography Too much shopping too much internet too much TV because our body is saying I want something Our brain Is very smart and it knows what it can get what it wants the fastest And it literally holds us hostage until we give it what it wants Amino acids are the building blocks of protein You either get them from your body makes some of them which are called non essential You get them from food protein Protein is so important I tell my clients that Protein is non-negotiable Three times a day Protein is so important Oh you get it from a supplement And you feed it These are the benefits of amino acids. And literally what I mean Those are our food for those neuro-transmitters it’s literally feeding the food the brain What it needs And those neurotransmitters become depleted for different reasons One is You can be they become depleted because you’re born with less of them So if you have a child who struggled with Anxiety or focus or teenagers or you know are adults It could be lifestyle could be toxins It could be diet It could be the fact that 60 of the people over age 40 Your amino acid or your no transfers at the counter And I just say you know we live this perfectly imperfect body and sometimes it just Does that doesn’t isn’t working the way it’s supposed to But by feeding specific amino acids. These are the benefits of amino acids. And there’s there’s four neuro transmitters Dopamine which is your energy your drive serotonin is your Helps with a positive mind Apps with um Confidence Humor You have endorphins endorphins make you happy and GABA is your body’s ability to relax naturally So those are the four no transmitters And there are specific amino acids to actually go up and Train or not trying to feed those No transmitters And help them to start firing The way they’re supposed to And the cool thing isKim Flynn: 14:07

is meantShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 14:08

forever You can be there just aminoKim Flynn: 14:10

meet analysisShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 14:11

Um But the idea is to get in there and start taking enough of them That you start feeding your brain So that you eventually can come down off ofKim Flynn: 14:22

then by your your nutritionShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 14:26

um a nutritious diet protein good fats and Um That’s that shovels high carbs You can sustain those neurotransmitters and that’s when the food can Actually help to sustain that Our fee theKim Flynn: 14:44

noShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 14:44

neurotransmittersKim Flynn: 14:45

Okay That’s so interesting So just to recap and I’d like to recap just so I can learn These are the benefits of amino acids. So uh For transmitters in your brain dopamine serotonin endorphin and Gabba all of those require a different amino acids and taking amino acids Isn’t like a lifetime thing It’s a you want to replenish it get it back to your good levels And then you want your natural diet and good nutrition To supply those is that what I’m hearingShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 15:13

AbsolutelyKim Flynn: 15:14

Exactly awesome I love it Okay I want to hear a story How did you get into this How did you discover this Why why why is no one else talking about those are fewer people talking about those Cause this isShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 15:23

right Um I have three daughters Um and my youngest daughter at age six Was Um Had anxiety really reallyKim Flynn: 15:35

reallyShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 15:37

Uh I I took her to the doctor got her on some medication And this is my disclaimer I’m of all I’m not a doctor I don’t prescribe Don’t diagnose I’m not against doctors I think they’re great And I’m not against medications I feel like there’s place for them There’s just not a medication that will heal you Um and so we went from medication to medication And At age 15 she come to me and said mom I’m tired of being a doctor signs products I want to feel normal And my heart was broke Cause I’m like how can I help her To feel to feel this feel normal Um and unfortunately at that time she turned to drugs andKim Flynn: 16:15

andShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 16:15

alcohol I’ll callKim Flynn: 16:17

she when she was six I missed the ageShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 16:20

Not sickKim Flynn: 16:21

At 15Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 16:22

Yes at 15 six the diagnosis At 15 the drugs and alcohol And I’m not I’m not I don’t understand that world It doesn’t make sense to me I’ve never been around that kind of world So in my negativity I thought I could either ground her enough or I love herKim Flynn: 16:39

her Wow That’s powerful Yeah yeah Grounds her enough or love her enough Wow goingShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 16:46

It didn’t work Um and it was a hard struggle Um I helped her graduate I should say I graduated with her I don’t know If that makes sense but I know if you have you and anybody out there As listening if you have a child that you’re like okay I should have my name on the graduation to get her through Right But we got through high school and like yes we survived and put her in an expensive rehab program thinking Okay She’ll come out She’ll be there 30 days She’ll come out and she’llKim Flynn: 17:17

andShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 17:21

They willKim Flynn: 17:21

willShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 17:22

Unfortunately she did come out well I should say fortunately she did come out clean from drugs and alcohol Unfortunately she came out addicted to sugar caffeine and tobacco But I’m like well if I have to have one of the other aisle I’ll deal with this Right because she wasKim Flynn: 17:39

was clean IShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 17:41

she’s done will live in And we’ll live happily ever after Well 30 days after she came out of rehab she met up with a friend she met in rehab So introduce you toKim Flynn: 17:50

to the AndShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 17:53

That it That changed our life I don’t know If you’ve everKim Flynn: 17:59

you’veShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 17:59

around people who are addicted to math it is the drug of the devil It literally changes every aspect of Um I lived in fear that she may help hurt me I was afraid that she’d hurt herself Kill somebody or end up in jail And that was my fear Every single time she left myKim Flynn: 18:16

left my IShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 18:19

prayed Um that she’d come home Um The first time she got put in jail I was actually relieved cause I’mKim Flynn: 18:28

I’mShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 18:30

At least I know where she’sKim Flynn: 18:33

IShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 18:33

jail I don’t know that you can but I wouldn’t have to go back So that was my thought process was Well she’s done She’s done it She’ll have to do itKim Flynn: 18:41

doShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 18:42

again But what I realized about an attic is first of all they don’t want to be one second of all They’re usually self-medicating for something And third is they’re just whiteKim Flynn: 18:51

whiteShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 18:51

now So I watchedKim Flynn: 18:53

IShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 18:53

process with her She came out mom’s going to stay clean She could say a bit clean about six months About six months starts relapsing again And then she end up inKim Flynn: 19:01

up inShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:04

I was totally a fear and IKim Flynn: 19:06

IShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:07

And I just said you know I have a father I needKim Flynn: 19:09

needShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:11

Um this is 2017 I had just become a hypnotherapistKim Flynn: 19:14

earlierShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:16

And um I’m like 2017 was one of those years kinda like 20 20 Where my oldest daughter Like you little granddaughter that just came in She was diagnosed in January of 2017 with. type one diabetes at 11 monthsKim Flynn: 19:29

monthsShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:31

So Effie I’ve ever had to give insulin. At that tinyKim Flynn: 19:36

middleShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:36

was pregnantKim Flynn: 19:37

withShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:38

cute daughter. And she did everything natural and it was wonderful.Kim Flynn: 19:42

And.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:43

how this baby. And within three days she wasKim Flynn: 19:45

wasShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:46

Postpartum OCD. and ended up in the psych ward. And my third daughter was in. Gel for the thirdKim Flynn: 19:55

thirdShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:57

I only have threeKim Flynn: 19:57

yearShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 19:59

It was a great year. These are the benefits of amino acids. Yeah It was one of those years where stress was. like, you know, my house leaked and all these sort of things were on top of me. And I just kept thinking, I need answers.Kim Flynn: 20:09

after,Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 20:10

two days after I prayed I got this. I was watching. Gephardt. And he’s a local. News broadcaster, who he brought to us as community events, community And he happened to do a story on how.Kim Flynn: 20:24

in,Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 20:25

Um, Recovery centers, addiction, recovery centers. They are using. Amino acids. Through IVs. Um, with these specific amino acids and after three days, Ocrevus Let’s start to go away. And after 10 days almost completely gone. And there’s an 85% rate ofKim Flynn: 20:40

rate oh myShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 20:42

that’s myKim Flynn: 20:43

myShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 20:44

But it’s a thousand dollars a day. I make, well, maybe there’s another answer. Um, And so I started Googling. Uh, amino acid therapy in addiction centers that used supplements because I knew there was supplements. available. Maybe that would be theKim Flynn: 21:01

be the saidShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 21:03

Florida and I called him said, look, I have. Clients, um, as hypnotherapists as a hypnotherapist. Who are struggling. And I feel like there’s something in the brain is not working. These are the benefits of amino acids. Kim Flynn: 21:11

workingShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 21:13

And I have my daughter’s an addict. Can you help me? And he’s like, you knowKim Flynn: 21:16

you knowShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 21:16

I could teach you everything you need to know. But in two weeks, we’re out training. Salt lake city and you’re learning everything you need toKim Flynn: 21:22

needShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 21:23

And I was like, that was my answer. And some people hear about The listening might go. Oh, but I’m not an addict. And what happened is when I started learning this information, I got super excited. cause I’m Wow. This is amazing stuff. These are the benefits of amino acids. Um, they shared it withKim Flynn: 21:41

it with everybody.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 21:43

And what I realized, how goKim Flynn: 21:44

go Oh, I have so many questions for you. I’m so, okay. Um, you were saying such a juicy things that I need to, I need to recap and then ask a bunch of questions here. So I’m like, I don’t want you to cover anymore. Um, I love the, the idea of, of the enough. You were trying to cure your daughter and think about for our listeners, think about any, any problem you’re having in your life and listen to how we would do the same things. Um, ground her enough, which is punished her enough. Like maybe she’ll change if I punish her enough, if I love her enough. That also doesn’t work. If I pay enough for the rehab, if I have enough support through doctors or rehab specialists, Uh, and then if she goes to jail enough, if she’s punished enough and still it’s nothing. If the, if the problem is a physical root problem. Then we can’t solve it with, um, psychology. Like if it’s a The root problem is, is physical. Um, I also love that you said there’s something to know about addicts. They don’t want to be one. And, uh, I don’t have much an experience with addiction or family members with addiction. Um, and so that one is really interesting to me. There’s kind of a perception out there. Of, uh, of addicts being the bad guy. They want to destroy their lives. And I love that. That you’re S you’re saying absolutely not. There’s one thing about addicts is they don’t want to be one. I love that. Um, What did you learn? I want to ask you a question before you move on in your story. And I do want to hear the rest of it, but first. You had all these things falling down in your life, you had the house leaking in your sister or your sorry, your daughter was in jail and your other daughter was in the psych ward and really struggling. The other daughter had health problems with her baby and all this is happening at once. Um, why do you think that life tends to do that to us? Uh, just want to take your personal take on what you learned from that absolute, like crux of everything falling down all the time.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 23:43

Um, wow. That’s a good question, Kim. I feel like when, when things are like that, Um, Is because. It caused me before I can kind of float through this. Right. I mean, I I, was, I was struggling, but I was still. Um, I was going through it, but when, when it got so bad, I had to look, I had to get outside of me and look for anKim Flynn: 24:07

for anShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 24:09

And, and asked for an answer for something that was bigger than me. Uh, because I got the point that I couldn’t, I couldn’t hold it all together. And that’s when I’m, when I finally say help. I need to answer. That’s when the answerKim Flynn: 24:24

I think you said it so perfectly. And that really is, I think the point of all struggle, like we can struggle, but as long as we’re moving along, we’re doing okay. We’re managing, but when everything breaks down, That’s when. Your, your phrase is you find something or you reach for something bigger than yourself. And, um, it pushes us for deep change. And in your situation, It pushed you. Completely changed the trajectory of your life. Uh, you found this amino acid solution that you didn’t know about and you wouldn’t have found that had your life not completely fallen apart. So I love life works that way. Yeah. Anyway. Um, talk to us about the, cause I always have little like, uh, red flags that pop up whenever someone says like, okay, 85% cure rate. If you can have amino acids on a drip, even if it’s a thousand dollars a day, I think we would be hearing all about this. These are the benefits of amino acids. Right. So if it is the miracle cure, why are we not hearing about it? Or if it is truly a miracle cure, um, talk to us about that.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 25:35

That’s a great question to end The this information been out since the nineties. There’s a neat lady named Julia. Uh Ross who, uh, was looking for answers for her clients and her and a doctor named Kenneth bloom. Um, there’s also lady named Trudy Scott, who did a lot of research find. When they were working there with their clients, how, what their brain needed. Um, and so they came up with this information in the nineties. She wrote a book called cure.Kim Flynn: 26:03

cureShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 26:04

And the diet cure and craving cure. And she’s amazing. I. Uh, I meet with her once a month. Um, So the information is there. These are the benefits of amino acids. And that was one of the thing that made me really angry is because I’m like my daughter was born in theKim Flynn: 26:16

in the known there wasShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 26:18

else at a six. Maybe she wouldn’t have to turn to drugs and alcohol at age 15. Because why are we not hearing this? That was my exact question. Why am I not hearing And the truth of matter is is there’s no money in. I mean noKim Flynn: 26:31

mean noShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 26:32

And the pharmaceutical companies run. These are the benefits of amino acids. The medical. Um, Yeah, the medical world. Right. And so it’s, it’s easier for. Them to get people on the drugs. Um, then not. And then the interesting thing is, like I said, I love my doctor and I love doctors. But in the United States. There’s only, only 25% of the. Uh, schools Indian. I mean in the medical schools, in the United States. Anything about nutrition And those that do only teach 12 hours. When I learned this information, I went to my doctor said, why don’t you teach people about. Nutrition and, and things like that. And said, because once they start down protocol, They’re there. They’re in that protocol. And when you don’t use it, you lose it. And that’s really why. It’s not brought up in the medical field because. Um, They’re just not taught it and they don’t. You know, th they’re going to turn to more medications rather than, I mean, I’llKim Flynn: 27:36

I mean assets. Medicine is for fixing problems, nutritionist for preventing all the problems. These are the benefits of amino acids. Yeah. I agree, agreeing. Okay. Thanks for thanks for exploring that and giving us more resources to, to research. This is a really interesting topic. Okay, so your life is falling apart. Back to your story, then what happens?Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 27:56

So I went to theKim Flynn: 27:58

to theShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 27:59

And I was blown away. Um, myself, I’m a sugar addict. I You should drink a lot of diet Coke. And I actually thought there was like a sugar Jean, everybody, all my family members love candy. I’m not a big chocolate person, but I love candy to me. Like Khan Kenny’s like the sugar of the gods. I mean it’sKim Flynn: 28:17

mean,Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 28:18

give me the biggest one. There is. And I always had candy with me. I. You know, we talk about that sugar spike and crash. I don’t know that I was ever spiking andKim Flynn: 28:27

and crashingShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 28:27

I literally had sugar with me Uh, in each of my wakingKim Flynn: 28:33

wakingShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 28:34

But when I went to the class, First of all, I was tired and I’m like, it’s 11 o’clock. I’m exhausted. All I want is aKim Flynn: 28:42

is aShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 28:43

Uh, diet Coke and some good pennies And I’m not sure how can I makeKim Flynn: 28:47

I’m gonna make it till You’reShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 28:50

AbsolutelyKim Flynn: 28:52

implantingShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 28:53

Good at planning is cotton candy peeves. You know, circus peanuts you give it to me. I love it.Kim Flynn: 28:58

itShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 28:58

uh,Kim Flynn: 29:00

How does, how does someone know if they’re a sugar addict or not? Is the, is the sign just, do you have candy with you at all times or what’s the, what’s the mark of the sugar addict?Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 29:09

Well, the mark would be is one of the things about the neuro-transmitter. It each of them have a telltale sign. Um, if that new transmitter is depleted.Kim Flynn: 29:17

interesting.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 29:18

Yeah, first one’s going to be. If it’s, if it’s your, um, the dopamine. You’re going to crave something for stimulation. Caffeine sugar. Um, starches. Um, And it’s. You w you looking for something to give you a boost to give you that energy? When your serotonin is low, you’re going to have crazy afternoon. The cravings. between that three hour to five o’clock hour. Same thing could be sure it could be starches could be alcohol. That’s why the happy hour for people who drink alcohol is that time period. because the serotonin drops and your brain says, I need something. So it’s that time period. If you’re needing something to relax, you. cause you’re like up. Hi overstress that’s going to be a GABA problem. And you got to turn to the same kind of things. Or endorphins. Yeah And offers to make you happy, right? So, if you’re looking for something to comfort reward or numb you comfort, I want to feel love reward. I deserve this and no minimum to check out. And I’m gonna turn to sugar. Then that’s, that is another symptom. The other one is your blood sugar is so important. Um, in front of a brain, you have what’s called your prefrontal cortex is jobKim Flynn: 30:25

job.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 30:26

Cognitive thought process is it’s your judgment. It’s your reason I’m going to make this choice. This’ll be byKim Flynn: 30:30

will be anShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 30:32

Is there tools to say sober or stay clean? These are the benefits of amino acids. For somebody who’s wanting to save sugar. It’s it’s the tools. But when you either miss meals, are you eating to assure a searches What happens is your. Blood shipper. If you’re skipping the meals, your blood sugar crashes. And all of a sudden your body says your brain says I need something now. So it puts off adrenaline, which causes you to crave and have a sugar that’s when you find yourself in the pantry. Looking for anything. That’s got sugar. It’s like when you’re working and also your brain says, I need it now and you’re literally get up and go grabKim Flynn: 31:05

And for me, it’s bred, like when I’m that space, I’m like, oh, give me some bread with honey on it. That’s what I want. theShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 31:13

and the sh and the honey sugar Right So then we get it and it causes despite cause we don’t have a little tiny bit because our brain feels like it’s it’s dying Right And we too much And then we spike Which causes that hypoglycemic thing where we spike and crash. These are the benefits of amino acids. So this shuts off We become irritable which is that hangry Filling in a rational is I want what I want I could care less about theKim Flynn: 31:34

aboutShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 31:36

Um for an addict that throws all their tools out the window So even a sugar somebody who struggles to sugar those are going to be the telltale signs is You’re grabbing it for a certain reason Energy Or whatever that is that’s going to be like oh okay And that was my idea I did not realize That I was grabbing a free energy Um until I went to the class and Learn And the crazy thing She said atKim Flynn: 32:03

saidShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 32:03

she’s like okay I’m going to give a tyrosene which is the one that we use for Terez dobutamine She said I want you to rate yourself from zero to 10 Zero is I don’t feel this way to 10 Oh my gosh I feel this way Crazy And that’s what I felt like I was like I was I’m a 20 I just need give me some sugar give me some diet CokeKim Flynn: 32:21

tookShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 32:21

and within 20 minutes my level went from a 10 Down to about five And I’m like okay is this like a placebo effect Because I’m feeling something I’m not sure I am but or am I just imagining that Right Because Nothing works out fast So I thought itKim Flynn: 32:35

IShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 32:36

So she’s like if you’re not all the way down to zero I’ll take another one. These are the benefits of amino acids. And within that next 1520 minutes I went from a 10 meaning I don’t know how many last a day To my cravings were gone For sugar and diet Coke And I had an energy and I’m like wow There’s something about this I don’t understand it There’s something about it. These are the benefits of amino acids. Kim Flynn: 32:58

So fast forward to today you took this knowledge that you learned you created your entire your own line of amino acids You have a thriving business now with hypnotherapy and amino acids Let’s jump straight into as we wrap things up here what you are giving away Um tell us about this this quizShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 33:21

So I have a quiz You can go to my website Hypnos And a quiz will popKim Flynn: 33:26

willShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 33:26

up And it says could amino acids be your missing link Click on that. It’s very simple. These are the benefits of amino acids. It’ll give you an idea of what. Because what. happens is there are specific symptoms to each of the neurotransmitters There’s things that you turn to. when you feel that way. And there’s amino acids that help us. So that’s kind of the process. So when you take that test, it will give you the idea. of oh yeah, these are the symptoms I’ve struggled with. And this is what I’m turning to when I need up Which will then give you the idea of which amino acids will help So that’d be theKim Flynn: 33:58

that’d be the firstShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 33:59

Um, the second step is. You can I have a book? So I wrote this book. That’s what I did last year during 2020, because everything got canceled. I wrote a book, feed your brain, change your life.These are the benefits of amino acids. Take control of your brain, body emotions. It’s a, it has my story in, it is a how to, to make the amino acids and nutrition hypnotherapy, how they were together. As sprinkled with quotes. Cause I love quotes. So there’s a book. That you can get, or you can meet with me. We can do I do one-on-ones. I can do them in person or on zoom. Um, and I do it through. You know, I can sit down with you and tell you exactly. Well, not exactly we’ll tweak it, but I could tell I could help you. To figure out how to make them work for you, how to get your brain. your body, your thoughts together. That’s really what it is. It’s like a three-legged stool. Feed your brain with, I mean, noKim Flynn: 34:47

I mean noShelly Jo Wahlstrom: 34:48

Feed your body with nutrition. Feed and change your thoughts with hypnotherapy Equals optimalKim Flynn: 34:54

health. There’s the three there’s the benefits of amino acids. The nutrition and the hypnotherapy. I love it. It all, it. all came together there from the end. I love Yeah You’re doing 10% off, uh, products or services. Talk to us about that.Shelly Jo Wahlstrom: 35:12

so you can go to my website and you can, um, you’re gonna put in the code. Um, card salad. And it’s going to give you 10% offKim Flynn: 35:21

and this is all in the show notes too. So if you’re on any of the podcasting platforms, you can check the show notes for it. If you’re on habits for, you can also check the show notes and we’ve got links to find Shelly. And all of her stuff. So thank you, Shelly. That’s super interesting. Really, really interesting. And I’m glad you took 2020 to write a book. That’s that seems like it needed to happen. Um, as we wrap things up reminder that the goal of this podcast is to program your brain, to start instilling systems and habits into your daily life. And hopefully one of those habits now is belly breathing. Thank you for that. As well as, uh, looking into amino acids. I think that’s super interesting. And as always, uh, feeding your body good foods. Um, it’s not about what you know, it’s about what you do starting one very small step at a time. These are the benefits of amino acids. We have another giveaway from our sponsor card solid go to habits for and sign up for a free seven day eat real foods challenge, which is simply seven days of meal planning with recipes done for you, including the shopping list. Ready to go. So go ahead and download that habits for and you can find that link there and your meal planning will be done for you for a week on the next episode of habits for humans, where. Uh, going to explore living free, really interesting premise from Rachel Jones, what it means to live free and how to do it. She’s going to take us on a tour of her meditation room. This wasn’t the original idea of the podcast, but I saw her room behind her and I was like, girl, show me this room of yours. It’s this beautiful meditation room. And she talks about how she cleaned out her life by cleaning out her house from the inside. Uh, and it was reflected on the outside. So cleaning out her own. Thoughts and beliefs and whatever else on the inside and how that is just been expressed on the outside. So join us on that next podcast. With Rachel Jones. Um, Shelly, Joe, thank you so much for joining us. That was fascinating. I took four pages of Thank you to our listeners to. This is habits for humans, the podcast that teaches you how to. program your brain to maximize your potential. Thank you. in advance for giving us a positive review and have a good one. Thanks everyone.

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