Don’t try to STOP a bad habit. Instead, replace it with a good habit. Don’t tell yourself you can’t have the potato chips. Just stuff your face with as many fruits and veggies as you can, and you won’t have room for very many potato chips.
Welcome to Habits for Humans, the show that explores how to program your brain to maximize your potential. The goal of this podcast is to teach you how to instill systems and habits to live a healthy, sustainable, deeply satisfying way of life.
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Kim Flynn is a best-selling author, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur who has built multiple businesses to 7 and 8 figures. She is the CEO of Card Salad, a health and wellness company that provides organizational products to live a healthy, sustainable, deeply satisfying way of life. Kim is a frequent guest expert in systems and habits on podcasts, television and radio shows.
Do you have expertise and a unique solution to a specific health and wellness problem? If you would like to be a guest on the show, apply here: https://habitsforhumans.com/contact/
Hi, and welcome to habits for humans. The podcast that explores what makes people tick. And how to program this brain of ours. To do what we wanted to do. We are going to explore why we can sometimes, and in some areas of our lives, be complete rock stars and achieve extraordinary accomplishments and other days, or in other areas of our life. We are just addicted to Cheetos and watching TV. So if we want to be healthy and happy, if that is our operating goal, What is the secret to programming our brain, to maximize our potential. I’m your host, Kim Flynn. And today we are going to talk about how to make progress and goals on things that you’ve been stuck on in your life. Maybe you’ve really wanted. To lose weight, maybe you’ve wanted to start an exercise program. You’ve wanted to get your house clean. You wanted to start a practice of meditation, whatever those want twos are that you’ve been stuck on. We’re going to dive deeply into each one of those today. We’re going to give you lots of examples and I want you to play along. So I want you to choose one habit that you would love to have or not have that you’ve been struggling with and kind of beats you up a little bit. Choose that one habit. And we’re going to take that habit through all these different examples. And so have that habit in mind. We do have a giveaway for our listeners at the end. So if you like free stuff, stay tuned to the end of the podcast. And I’ll talk to you about how you can get free stuff.
So a word from our sponsor before we get started, habits for humans is brought to you by card salad. It’s a health and wellness company that teaches you how to program your brain using systems and habits. Their flagship product is eat well. Eat well as a meal planning system that trains you in eating habits to last a lifetime. After going through this program, that you will never need to diet again, visit card salad.com. All right.
So the guests today is none other than yours truly. So my name is Kim Flynn. A quick introduction to me, I’m a bestselling author, podcaster and serial entrepreneur. I’ve grown several businesses to seven and eight figures. My largest business closed in 2020. It was a event based business and it was. The tragedy of my life. Close that business. And we started card salad. Very soon after closing the other business, I’m currently the CEO of Salad again, it’s a health and wellness company that provides organizational products to live a healthy, sustainable, deeply satisfying way of life. I’m featured on a bunch of TV and radio and other podcasts and have won a bunch of awards, but I don’t feel like bragging about those right now. So. What I am as an expert in systems and process building and habits. And I love to interview guests on this podcast about maximizing human potential. So let’s dive into it. In our regular podcast, we always start with our number one habit of how to, how to manage your own mental wellness.
So for my own mental wellness I have really instilled a habit of meditation in the mornings, and I struggled to implement this habit for many years and tried to clear my mind and you know, all the, all the things that we think meditation is. And it actually was a book called 10% happier by Dan, Dan Harris, I think. And that book really gave me a foundation for how many different ways you can meditate. And then truly it. Wasn’t until we fixed up our backyard and I made myself a little corner and I have this swing in the corner of my backyard and I take my coffee out there every morning and I drink my coffee and just kind of settle in. And then I do a hundred breaths of meditation. If I’m not in the mood for it, I’ll do 20 breaths of meditation. But that has really helped me just kind of center and ground my life. So that’s my number one habit to manage my own mental wellness. So let’s jump into the content here today.
We’re going to again, talk about if you have been stuck on a habit that you’ve been trying to instill, but haven’t had much success in instilling that. How do you make progress on that stuckness? And again, I want you to think of a habit that you have been wanting to either stop doing or start doing. And go ahead and write that down. If you’re following along with me, write that down. If you can, and think about this one habit, we’re going to take it through these three different scenarios that you can add or change to make that habit really stick. So as a review really quickly of last time. So the, in the last podcast I went through, it was called the SNL habits. So SNL habits are Is it S is it. Really simple and short and easy. So the first one is short. Is it really short? If we’re saying to ourselves, okay. I want to run a marathon. And right from the get go. I am going to run 10 miles a day. It’s not short enough. That’s not small enough. I think they were too small, actually. It’s not small enough. And so in that scenario with running a marathon, If you wanted to instill that habit in your life, not just the goal of a marathon, but if you wanted to be a marathon runner, right. Habit versus a gore a goal, if you want to be a runner the S the small could be, I get my shoes on every day and I walk out the door and maybe that’s the very first step you instill that habit. In yourself of just putting your shoes on and walking out the door, chances are, you will do more than walk out the door.
Chances are once you’re out there with your shoes on, you might run around the block and chances are, if you run around the block, you might run, you know, down the street as well. And so it’s all about starting very, very small, but those small things have to be consistent. So you say to yourself, I am going to put my shoes on and walk out the door every single day. Maybe you end up running twice a week. Maybe you end up running once a week. Maybe you don’t end up running it all that first week. All you’re doing is getting in the habit of putting your shoes on. But that is the magic of habit. Forming versus goal setting goal setting is like, I’m going to push it really hard and I’m going to accomplish this feat. And then it’s not going to impact the rest of my life. Rather than that model, we really are going to focus on a habit model, which is, I am becoming a runner, not just a one-time. I pushed myself really hard and did a marathon. Once I am a runner for life. And that brings us to actually our third qualification in SNL habits. The first one is small. The third one I’m going out of order.
The third one is, is it sustainable for a lifetime? Unless you’re planning on dying in 12 weeks, which I certainly hope you are not, but unless you’re planning on dying in 12 weeks, it doesn’t make any sense to do a diet and exercise regime. That will finish in 12 weeks. So many of us have tried being included. These really aggressive programs that you’re like, okay, I will lose 20 pounds and be super, super healthy in 12 weeks. And it’s a 12 week program. I’m going to push myself really, really hard. What happens after that 12 weeks? You haven’t instilled habits, in fact diets and all the research on diets show that if you do push yourself for that limited amount of time, Your body will actually gain more weight and become more unhealthy after the fact. So it’s not about goals. It’s not about doing things for a designated amount of time and pushing really hard until that day ends. It’s about having these habits and becoming this type of person.
Who has healthy habits instilled in their life for a lifetime? And so that’s the third qualification in SNL, small. We skipped number two. And then the third one is a lifetime. That’s your L the one in the middle is no four. So it’s an N no force, no discipline. No willpower needed. If, if your, a habit that you’re trying to instill is like, oh, I’m just going to grit my teeth and gut it out. That’s not how we gain habits. We gain habits very, very slowly, very, very small pieces. And when we do that, it’ll it really will snowball. It’s amazing. I remember in fifth grade, my teacher had us do some kind of math formula where she said you’re, you can either choose one of these two scenarios. You can either get a penny today and have it double every day for a month. Or I’ll give you $500, which would you prefer? And of course knee jerk reaction is give me the $500. And then when you do the math on it, That one penny doubling every day over 30 days is significantly more than that $500. I can’t remember how much it is, but it was a huge number. And that’s the same thing with instilling habits. We think, oh, I’m just going to get this out. I am going to go on this aggressive diet and exercise program. And in 12 weeks I’m going to drop 20 pounds. I’m gonna look fabulous and feel great about myself. And in, you know, 16 weeks, I will have totally fallen off the, off the horse. And I will go back to all my old habits because I didn’t program my brain. Right. Versus EV I’m going to start out just putting my shoes on and I’m going to do that every day for as long as it takes, maybe it takes three weeks of just putting my shoes on before I actually run.
And then your body, this is the amazing part about this, your body and your brain will pull you to start doing more naturally. It’s it’s the craziest thing. So one of my habits is every time I go into my every time I walk past the laundry room, I change the clothes out. I put the, you know, the clothes in the washer and dryer and whatever, switch it out. And then I also fold three things. I fold like three tells or a full three things. Three items of clothing from the laundry. And that’s all I do. Every time I walk by. Sometimes when I’m feeling cranky and not in the mood, I will say, oh, well, I’ll just fold my three things. And I grabbed like a towel and, you know, two socks and meet them and I’m like, I’m good. And other times without any force or discipline, it’s like my body just like pulls me into the laundry room. Which I go in every time I walk past, but it pulls me in there and it’s just like, oh, let’s just fold this whole thing of laundry. Oh, let’s pull this next thing. A laundry. Like it does not require force or discipline. It’s like your body and brain are programmed to run your life. How you want to run them and help in eating good foods. And exercise and keeping your house clean in a spiritual practices like meditation in a business or your career. Maybe you’re wanting to start writing. Maybe you want to research things. Maybe you want to learn a new language. All of those habits that we’re trying to instill, instead of forcing ourselves, we’re going to program our brains through these habits to run our lives the way we want them to. So now that you’re thinking, I want you to think about this one habit that you’ve been struggling with.
My. Habit that I’ve been struggling with is after dinner. Well, so let me rewind really quickly. So my family now cooks real foods every single night we cook a main recipe. And a side recipe, like a salad or something every single night. And then every single night I package that leftovers from dinner for lunch the next day. And that’s our routine. That is our habit. And I did not start out that years. Years ago having anything to do with cooking this, this is a habit that I’ve definitely had to work to instill. So our family used to eat like freezer pizza, and we used to have a nanny that would cook. I don’t know, like cheesy casseroles. And then we ate out a lot, a lot of fast food and a lot of my husband and I would just go out to dinner probably three or four times a week. You can hear my dog in the background there. Hey peppers. So we had, we had this habit of not taking good care of ourselves. And we were able to replace that with this habit of eating good foods. And the, the habit that I’m now trying to shift is at night when the food is really good, because let’s face it. When you cook real foods from home, it’s going to taste really good. And the habit I have now is like, I get my first serving. I’m sitting around and talking with the kids and then I’m like, oh, I want to, I want to continue this moment. I’m still enjoying myself. So then I go get a second serving and I sit back down and eat it with the kids. And then I reach over to their plates and eat any food that they’re not eating.
So that’s my habit that I wanted to discontinue. Right. So. Go ahead and choose a habit for you that you want to discontinue. And let’s take these habits that are we’re stuck on and put them through these process processes. I hate that word, actually, processes, processes. I don’t know. All right, let’s take them. Do the first one, the first trick I have of getting habits to stick is number one, finding support. And so when I was starting to learn how to cook and starting to cook every day I had my son who is now 15. Helping me cook every day. And if I had someone in the kitchen with me, I would cook the main dish. My son would cook the side dish. We were able to get that habit instilled. So find support, find people. My husband during COVID times encouraged me to go to the gym with him. And that actually has instilled a beautiful habit that I’ve been doing for. Probably over a year now, maybe a year and a half. So it started before COVID. And that is going to the gym three times a week. Look at this. I don’t know if you can see this. This for me is impressive. I got some muscles. I’ve never felt better about the strength and health of my body. I’ve been going to the gym for three days a week, just super consistently. I built it into my schedule, but the way I started that habit was going to the gym with my husband. So if you can find a person to help you with that support system, that is one of the biggest tricks because we are social creatures to get yourself to instill that habit. Here’s some other ideas for you. Um, Let’s say, if you wanted to start a business or maximize the business you already had and grow that.
Oftentimes you’ll join a coaching group or a mastermind group. We have a program at my business called card salad. The businesses, the card solid, the program or product is called lead well, and it actually is a support group to help people. Move their business forward. So it’s a step by step. What you do every single day. 15 minutes a day, what you need to do to grow your business. And then there’s coaching. Calls every week for more support. And so find some kind of support system in in business. Let’s think about eating, just like I did your spouse or your teen. Maybe your kids can cook with you. If you’re trying to form a meditation. Or health or mental health or wellness habit, one of the best things I did to kind of kickstart myself as I started are I joined a. An online meditation group. And that was really helpful for me because every day, you know, 8:00 AM on that zoom call. You know, it’s going to be there. And it really just helped instill that that habit of meditation. And then from there you can kind of, once you instill the habit, then you can do it on your own. So that’s an idea as well. Let’s see, here’s a, here’s a here’s a story of mine of, of getting back into business and actually doing projects and, and getting back into work. My business closed. And if you listened to my previous podcast, you’ll hear the whole story.
But my business closed in 2020 and I was devastated and I went into a depression and couldn’t get off the couch and it was. It was terrible. Y’all and those of you who struggle with depression. And are able to just move through life, like kudos to you. You have my utmost respect and admiration. Cause that was a really difficult thing to do. I haven’t struggled with depression before, and that was really hard. Just to get off the couch. And one of the things that helped me get off the couch and get moving again and have that habit of being productive again is my sister came to visit. And she would head down into the basement. So I’m in my basement. This is my home office basement here. And she would head down here and she would work on her computer. And just the fact that I knew that she was down there helped me to get off the couch, to come downstairs, to get my own laptop out. And I just like worked next to her. It sounds so silly, right? Like a grown adult. In my forties could not work unless my sister was like sitting next to me, just randomly doing her own work. And I was like, okay, if she is here with me, then I can do my work too, you know? And so find those people in your life that can support you in and ask them to do an official, like I am trying to instill a habit. Will you help me? So that’s one of the biggest tips I have. If you, if you are stuck on a habit that you can’t. See progress on, get support in the form of people. Or groups of people. All right.
So that’s idea number one. So if I were in applying that to my own goal of, or my own like habit, I’m trying to shift, which is I overeat at night. What I’m trying to do is create. Different habits there obviously. And so what I’ve done is this is a little bit of a, a little bit of a different type of habit, but are a little bit different type of technique. I should say. But I’m having my kids encourage me to play games after after we do dinner. And so I’m sitting there at dinner, enjoying this, you know, delicious time with my teenagers and my husband. And I don’t want to end it. And so this, you know, I don’t want to sit there with. With an empty plate. And so what I’m doing now is we’re keeping games. Just stupid board games. We have banana grams and there’s this, I don’t know this just little card games and stuff. We keep a stack of them next to the dining room table. And then when we finish eating, instead of me wanting something to do, which is refill my plate, I can clear my plate and grab a game. And even if I just take the banana gram tiles out and start doing it, usually one of my teenagers will come join me and we can have some fun playing a little game. And that way we can, I can continue enjoying that time. Time, but I don’t need to fill it with eating, eating, eating. So what can you do to bring in support or people to help you with that goal? All right. So that’s number one, bring in support people or groups of people. Number two is make the goals even smaller.
We talked about SNL goals, but make the goals even smarter. And I, and I don’t want to, or smaller, I don’t want to use the word goals either make the habits even smaller. Habits versus goals, really important thing. To understand goal is I want to lose 20 pounds. Habit is what am I going to do every day to lose the 20 pounds? And so it’s not like you’re going to say, okay. I’m going to set all these goals and then I’m, I’m I’m instilling habits just so that I can achieve the goals again, that there’s no point to that. Don’t do that plan unless you are planning on dying in six weeks. Like I said before, We really are going to instill habits just to instill habits. And to live this I don’t know, full, deeply satisfying way of life. We’re not going to instill habits just to get ourselves to a false goal. You probably have 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, more years on this planet. Setting goals for a lifetime. Really don’t make sense. Setting habits. Really is the way to make sense. It really makes sense with human lives. Like we, we, we, we run our lives on routines and doing the same thing again and again, and again, even the day, like we start with the morning we moved to the afternoon and then the evening, and then we sleep like everything in our lives, as a human is designed around routines and habits, not around goals. So try to move away from goals as much as you can. If you set your your habit that you’re stuck on as, oh, I want to lose 20 pounds. Go ahead and change that to what habit you want to insert. Instill to lose those 20 pounds and even consider getting rid of that goal of losing 20 pounds. And instead saying, I want to you know, put this habit of cooking for my family every day in place and eating real foods.
And that’s the habit I want to, I want to instill. All right, let’s move on to number two then. So number one is get people in support. Number two, is we already moved on to this one? Sorry. Very small, very small steps. And so what if. Your what if you want to be a marathon runner and that is what you want to become the habit for. That could be instead of signing up for marathons, which would be really aggressive. If you going from ground zero to. I’m going to do a marathon. Ooh. I don’t know if your body will really appreciate that. And it’s going to take a lot of force and discipline instead of that. Why don’t you set the habit of I’m going to run around the track before I leave work everyday. Maybe your workplace has a track. Wouldn’t that be fun? Let’s see.
Maybe you want to organize your entire house and have a very clean house. Maybe you’re a bit of a hoarder. We have some family members that are a bit hoarder, quartering, and it’s so interesting to see what we attach to. Right. Maybe instead of trying to keep our whole house organized. We want to organize one drawer every Monday or one drawer a day. Just very, very small steps. Let’s see. Maybe you want to get out of debt. That’s a classic goal that you would set, right? How do you make that smaller? How do you turn that into a habit? So instead of I’m going to get out of debt. What if you pay off $30 towards your lowest. Credit card every single week. So every Friday you pay off an extra $30 in that credit card. Again, it’s habits, right? We’re getting into the habits. What if you want to become a Buddhist monk or achieve Nirvana. What if your goal is to do that? What about not having that as a goal, which is so funny because achieving Nirvana and w. Any any real Buddhist would tell you there’s no achieving Nirvana. There’s no goal. There’s no destination. So instead of that, maybe you want to read a paragraph of a spiritual book every day. Maybe you want to, you originally set the habit of, I’m going to read a chapter every day, but you’ll find out pretty quickly. The chapter is pretty aggressive.
How can we make it small, no force or discipline and sustainable for a lifetime? You probably can’t read a chapter. Of a spiritual book every single day, unless you really carve it into your time, into your day. What if you started with just a paragraph? You read a paragraph of a spiritual book every single day, that is sustainable for a lifetime. And then some days you’ll feel like reading more and you’ll read three chapters and some days you’ll be rushed for time. And you’ll just read that one paragraph, but the, the The goal is the goal is to set the habit. The goal is to have that happen. All right. So that’s number two. Number two is set very small habits or goals. And go ahead and think about your habit or goal that you want to work on. Your habit, I should say and ask yourself, what can you do to make it smaller, smaller, smaller, and then even smaller so that you can do it every day. Knowing that if you have that very small habit in place, there will frequently be times where your body and your life in your brain will just like push you to do more without force or discipline. Let’s go back to that marathon running. If all you did was, you know, walk around the track every day. And if it, if it was a habit, you, you walk the track every day. You might do that for two months and one day I guarantee it one day you will say to yourself, oh, I actually feel like running. Not, I want to force myself to run. I actually feel like running and you might run for 30 seconds. So you might run for a minute and slowly, gradually you’ll notice that you’re running instead of walking and you’re running for longer and longer times without any force without any discipline.
This is what I do now at the gym. So I like lifting weights. And I. Hate cardio. I absolutely hate it. I don’t like that feeling of just being winded and not be able to catch her breath. I’m not a fan. So what I’m doing is I get on the treadmill after arms day, not after legs day, but after arms day. And I’m training just to see how fast I can go. So I started with a treadmill and like an eight for one minute, and I ran at a level eight for one minute and about killed me. And I did that for a long time. And without like wanting, without even like requiring or giving myself stars or having a tracking sheet or anything, any, nothing external naturally your brain and your body will say, oh, let’s see if I can do an 8.5. And then I got up to that and now I’m on a full-on 10. It’s a, it’s a breakneck speed for me. For some of you, it might be really slow, but for me, a 10 on a treadmill is pretty dang fast and I run that level 10 for a full minute. And then you’ll slowly just like talk to me another year. I bet that level 10 will look on as far up as the treadmill would go. Some treadmills go to like 13, 15, and then maybe it’ll start to do an incline.
I don’t think I’ll ever want to do more than one minute. It’s the one minute cardio program. Maybe I’ll eventually changed my mind on that, but for now it’s like, I’m going to push myself for one minute. Right. And that’s and it’s kind of fun to see my body and my brain just adapt for me and say, no, you can, you can actually go a little faster. And it starts to get fun too. Like if you’re not trying to pull yourself, force yourself, it feels so fun. And so freeing, like I’m flying when I’m on that treadmill, just going as fast as I can at my 10. And it’s it’s pleasurable versus, oh, I have to push myself to run my guts out. Right. All right. So that’s the principle. Number two, make things smaller, smaller, smaller, smaller. Let’s go on to principle number three, which is don’t try to stop bad habits. Just replace them. It’s really hard to say I will not smoke. I will not. Eat Cheetos. I will not sleep in. I will not fill in the blank there when we try to stop ourselves from doing things.
That’s the hard road, the much easier road is to replace what you’re doing with something else. So one of the things that we did with eat well with our program, let me show you eat well really quickly. Just just cause I have it right here. From yesterday or from a yesterday’s podcast. So this is our eat well program. This is a menu board with all the days of the week on it. And then you really easy menu planning. You get these recipe cards in the mail every month, and it’s just on an auto-ship and you get new recipes. And what’s fun is the recipes slowly get healthier and healthier and healthier following the habit stacking program, right? Like if you just try, like, I’m going to eat lentils and, you know, green pea soup and broccoli, right from the beginning, that’s just a diet, your body and brain. Rebel against that. So we started out with really hearty foods like we’ve got, I don’t know. Green chili cheese quiche casserole, enchiladas corn bread fries. All kinds of fun, like Hardy stuff. And then slowly over the months, it gets leaner and leaner and leaner, which is kind of fun. Also comes with the shopping list and have it cards that you read every day and check, check off the list of like, did I do that habit? Every single day, so that’s kind of fun. So that’s the eat well program?
One of the principles that we have in the eat well program is you don’t try to stop yourself from eating, whatever food choice. You, you enjoy for me. I used to love I still love potato chips, but I used to love to in particular, the kettle corn jalapeno. Potato chips. Oh my goodness. They were so good. And so every night I would have a little bowl of these. This is years ago, I’d have a little bowl of these and I would love them. So we’re not trying to say don’t eat jalapeno, kettle, corn, whatever it’s called potato chips. We’re not going to say, take it out of your diet. Don’t buy it, restrict yourself. None of that. Instead of that plan, you’re going to do a smarter plan, which has replaced, which is every time you go to the refrigerator. Or you’re in the kitchen. You weren’t going to eat as many things as you can. You’re going to stuff your face. With as many, and here’s the type of food, fruits, and vegetables, as you can get into your body. If you simply are full on carrots and broccoli and raspberries and blueberries and bananas and avocado. And all of that good stuff. You’re not going to have the cravings for all the other stuff. We can go into all the science behind it. We can go into all the food weight behind it, what your body is actually doing when it’s consuming all that stuff. I’m, I’m not wanting to get into all of that right now, but just know that if you were to, instead of trying to stop yourself from eating potato chips cause that’s like a, trying to stop a habit, right. Instead of that, let yourself have the potato chips. But before you have the potato chips stuff, your face with roasted carrots and Every good fruit and vegetable that you actually enjoy. Stuff your face with all of those. A lot of people will say to me then, well, I hate vegetables. I don’t enjoy vegetables. I don’t like eating vegetables. Awesome. You can also train your brain and your body to actually like vegetables by doing it one small piece at a time. I used to be one of those people that said I hate vegetables. Sure. A fruit now, and then I’m fine with, but I don’t like vegetables at all. And now I crave roasted carrots, roasted asparagus. Oh, come on. Just thinking about it. I’m like, oh, that’s some good stuff right there.
So you can train your brain to like them without force, without discipline. That’s that’s what the ELL program actually does. So I’m a little bit passionate about building habits and. Implementing sustainable habits for a lifetime. Let’s see, here’s something else you can do to not stop replace. So let’s go back to my example of, I don’t want to, you know, go back and have seconds and then have thirds after I’m eating. What I, what I can do is I can replace the food and I’ve already talked about this. I can replace the They’re getting seconds and thirds with playing a game and I’ve actually taken it a step further as well. I have moved a puzzle into my dining room. And so if I stand up from the kitchen table and actually move out of the kitchen and into like the formal dining room that we never use, come on, everyone’s got a formal dining room that they don’t use because it’s not 1950 anymore. Right. So if you move into the formal dining room, And I just have a puzzle out. The kids are my husband and will sometimes follow me in there. And then we have a beautiful, you know, after dinner. Not around the food at all. I’m in a completely different environment. So that’s me substituting. Instead of saying no, no, I can’t have seconds. I can’t have thirds. I’m just replacing it with a different activity.
So think about that. When I was before I figured out that diets suck I have been on so many diets through the years as most women, most men have in the us as well. And you start to get all these crazy diet rules in your head. Like, oh, I can’t have avocado because it’s high in oil and I can’t have fruit and I can’t have milk and I can’t have. Cheese and I can’t have beef and I can’t have bread. Because every diet has different restrictions. Right. And so you start like ruling out all the food groups and then you’re left with, oh no, what can I eat? And you’re like, oh, I can have broccoli, but wait, that’s carbs. I can’t have carbs either. And you might be like frozen in this feeling of like, oh, I can’t have anything. So it’s so messed me up. And I just simply decided it’s time for me to eat real foods, to start eating more real foods, rather than trying to like limit myself or stopping myself. So those are the ideas that I have for you. If you are stuck on not being able to instill a habit that you’d like to join, like to start instilling, those are your steps. So find support a friend, a spouse, a child. Or a cold group. Number two is make the habits even smaller, smaller, smaller number that you want to focus on habits, not goals. And number three, don’t try stopping, replace it instead. And It’s kind of like a, if you have a system, so a diet is a system, right?
So if you have a system of what I want to do, or like a workout regimen is a system, right. But you don’t have habits to put that into place. It’s kind of like a car without gas. You have the vehicle, but you really don’t have any way of putting that into your life until you build it into your life through habits slowly and surely. So that is our second podcast today. Next time we are going to talk about how to build habit stacking routines. And this is what gets really fun. We’re going to, you’re going to build a morning routine and perhaps an evening routine. I have a morning routine. I have a, when I get to work routine, when I’m not working from home, when I worked in an office. A routine there. I have a routine of wrapping up from work and then I have a routine getting home from work and I have a routine at nighttime. So all these routines and when you build them into your life It makes your life run on autopilot. And for some of you creatives, sometimes people I call them dreamers and that’s a positive term. It’s like I have all these ideas and dreams and I, and I like to keep things. Kind of loose and shaken out.
Sometimes the dreamer personality will have resistance and they’ll say like, oh, that will make my life boring or too static. That actually is not the case. It like runs the boring stuff on autopilot so that you have more time, more energy and more freedom to pursue all the fun projects that you want to pursue. So put the boring stuff on autopilot. That’s the reason for programming your brain through habits. So as we wrap things up a reminder that the goal of this podcast is to program your brain, to start instilling systems and habits into your daily life. It’s not about what, you know Google knows everything, right? Google and the encyclopedia Britannica know everything. If you, if it was a problem and what do I do, you’d already be doing it, right. It’s not a problem. And what you do, it’s about. Actually implementing these habits and starting one very small step at a time. Our giveaway time for those of you who sit down at the end. Thank you. Our giveaway is from our sponsor card salad. Leave a review or comment on whatever platform you found us on. You can leave it on the podcasting platform that you found us on a social media platform or directly on habits for humans.com. About your favorite quote or idea from the show and why you loved it. And I will pick my favorite each week. And I’ll send you a code for a free eat well starter kit. It’s $150 value and we give away one of those every single week. Our next episode, again, we’ll continue to explore strategies on how to program our brain. And we’re going to talk about those juicy habit stacking routines, and you’ll build those with me during the podcast. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. This is habits for humans, the podcast that teaches you how to program your brain to maximize your potential. We want to give all of our listeners a free taste of that eat well program that I just showed you. So get seven days of that program for free. Just go to habits for humans.com. And start your seven day eat real food challenge. And have fun with seven days getting you started on that program. Thank you in advance for giving us a positive review. Thanks everyone.