In this episode of Habits for Humans with Kim Flynn, we discuss how we evolved as humans to have two functions in our pancreas: burning carbs and burning fat through Mindvalley Wildfit. Because we no longer have seasonal cycles of eating in our modern lifestyle, unless we are aware, we only burn carbs. Temy takes us through the process of training our body slowly through habits to turn on the fat burning function of our pancreas with Mindvalley Wildfit principles.
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OUR GUEST: Temy Taylor
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Kim Flynn is a best-selling author, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur who has built multiple businesses to 7 and 8 figures. She is the CEO of Card Salad, a health and wellness company that provides organizational products to live a healthy, sustainable, deeply satisfying way of life. Kim is a frequent guest expert in systems and habits on podcasts, television and radio shows.
Do you have expertise and a unique solution to a specific health and wellness problem? If you would like to be a guest on the show, apply here: https://habitsforhumans.com/contact/
Hi, and welcome to habits for humans. The podcast that explores what makes people tick and how to program this brain of ours to do what we want it to do. I’m your host, Kim Flynn. And today we’re going to talk to Tammy Taylor, a fascinating topic today. Let me just give you a quick overview of what we’re going to talk about.
Our pancreas is designed to function in two ways to burn sugar and to burn fat. And Tammy says that most humans have only burned sugars throughout their lives. Taxing the pancreas. Uh, immensely. So we’re going to talk with Tammy about how this works and how to, um, work with your body to get it, to go into the two functions. So super excited to talk to her. We do have a giveaway for our listeners at the end. So if you like free stuff, stay tuned until the very end.
First, before we get started a word from our sponsor habits for humans is brought to you by card salad, a health and wellness company that teaches you how to program your brain using systems and habits. Their flagship product is called eat well. It is a done for you meal planning service. So if you hate having to go through the process every week of figuring out what’s for dinner, this product will solve that for you forever.
So it’s. Uh, a menu board that you hang on your fridge recipe cards. Uh, and shopping lists that are done for you, and you never have to worry about meal planning again. So I’m excited to introduce Temi to you.
So Tammy is a science educator who is passionate about health. She was a guest researcher at Stanford university in 2019 and was invited to continue her research in 2020. But because of COVID, the campus closed its doors to all visitors, because she likes to research everything. She started to research how to help her body heal from various issues that she was experiencing.
She found the information and misinformation available was confusing and overwhelming until she. She found Mindvalley Wildfit, which is the program that we’re going to talk about today. So let’s dive in Tammy. Before we get into that, we always start with your number one habit. To manage your own mental wellness. So what is a practice that you do?
To manage the stress of daily life. Hi, Kim. Thank you so much for inviting me here. Um, I am so excited, uh, and I’m excited to be able to share with as many people as possible about these easy, simple steps with Mindvalley Wildfit. So the one thing that I do every day without fail is breathing. Um, It’s super easy. Do what’s called the 5, 5, 5 breathing. We do five breaths in hold for five and then release for five breath of five. Uh,
For five seconds. And then, um, you do it five times. Will you, will you do that with us once so we can get a sense of what to, what to do. So walk all the listeners through what to do. Okay. Sure. Excellent. I will start and I’ll, I’ll try and count with my fingers. What happens is I get confused.
Um, the counting, but we’ll start so three then. So if it’s audio, give us verbal cues. If you wouldn’t mind. Okay, that makes sense. Okay. Breathe in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I read that 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and then we do that five more. Five times total. Um, my suggestion is do at first thing, you wake up, do it right before you go to sleep. Two times is great.
Three times is excellent. So try to break it, break it in. I do it while I drive, um, because sometimes driving can, can be stressful, but also you have all that time. So why not? I love it. What’s amazing about breathing is that. We tell our body. Hey, we’re safe. That’s what we’re communicating with our body. It’s okay. We’re safe list. Lowered the stress hormones, the cortisol. We don’t need that right now. Let’s not, you.
You know, stress out during our drive list and as stressed out about the bill that’s due tomorrow. So every time we do our breathing, we actually create more. Um, we, we actually lower the cortisol level, which tells our body that it’s okay. We’re safe. And that is actually the beginning process of weight loss. If people are trying to lose weight through Mindvalley Wildfit,
And then another thing I want to say is that, um, I’m going to switch, uh, I say weight loss because everyone is used to that term. However, we don’t want to find our weight again, and we want to lose it. So. Uh, for example, if you lose your wallet or your keys, you want to find it, but we want to release the fact. And so it’s really releasing weight or weight release through Mindvalley Wildfit.
Um, because we don’t ever want to find it again. Most of us don’t want to see that. Um, so that that’s a term that I I’ll I’ll um, I would like everyone to start using, well, we’ll start using it here today for sure. Uh, so that’s a profound statement. Begin. The beginning process of weight release begins with cortisol. Talk to us more about that.
Okay. So cortisol is a stress hormone, and it’s meant for, uh, it’s meant to heighten our census. And so imagine if you were in the wild. And you see a lion. The first thing that’s going to happen is your adrenaline starts pumping. Your cortisol starts increasing so that you can start paying attention to your environment.
Um, and what happens is that. I learned from Mindvalley Wildfit In this modern day and age, we are constantly producing cortisol levels. Um, Just by thinking alone, just by watching a show. Uh, we’re producing cortisol levels. And so. At the constant. Our body’s not meant to constantly have this stress hormone inside of us. It’s meant for us to, to, uh, find the danger.
Get get out of the danger and then that cortisol levels should be lowered. And so if your body’s constantly being stressed out, Um, You have more of one hormone than the rest and your bias costly fighting, trying to, um, come back to homeostasis, come back to balance and it can’t do it because, um, at night,
Uh, maybe we watched the news. So we’ve watched a scary movie. Uh, or an action packed movie and that raises our cortisol or we’re thinking about, you know, The fight that we had with somebody, um, Uh, or the job that we’re. We’re stressed out about, or the schedule that we have. And, and so all of that creates this chronic issue of, uh, of, um, um, increasing cortisol level. And the body eventually is going to shift because it has to figure out what to do with all of that.
Uh, and the one way. When we have a lot of cortisol in our bodies. Uh, we will, we’re signaling to the body that wasn’t safe. Or we’re in a place that is not safe and that tells the body we have to hold on to fact, we have to make fat. We don’t know when the dangerous. Going to go away. So we have two, uh,
This is our insurance policy through Mindvalley Wildfit. We have to have enough fat so that we can, we can. Figure out if we have to, you. You know, run or fight. Uh, whatever it is that we have, that’s in danger. However, in our modern society, we’re so used to having this stress all the time. And we don’t know what it feels like to not be.
Be relaxed. I so resonate with that. When I go on vacation, it usually takes me about three days to calm down. Um, and my husband calls that vacation mode. And so if you go on a four day vacation, Uh, I only get one day of relaxation. Right. I need like a 10 day vacation to actually feel what it feels like to relax.
Um, have you found a way to find that and just everyday life it’s just feels like we’re bombarded with so many things that are, that are intentionally meant to get a rise out of us to get a reaction from us. Uh, the advertisers and social media media in general, everything is designed to spike us to, to hit that fear and to, and to have a reaction from us. What’s your secret for getting away from that? Uh, when you’re not in Mexico on the beach.
So awareness is the first thing with Mindvalley Wildfit. Um, besides the breathing that I do every day, that’s that is already immensely powerful. And again, very simple and people, for some reason, love to do challenging things because they feel like if I do hard things, then it’s worth it. But, uh, the breathing will communicate with your body. Let’s slow down.
And then I also at night, I placed some kind of, um, I’m guided meditation through Mindvalley Wildfit. That’s that? That that’s more like on the hypnosis side where it takes you to, uh, you’re training your brain while you’re sleeping so that, um, Th that you, when certain things trigger, you you’re able to handle it better.
Um, for example, yesterday I was pulled over because I was speeding and, um, And normally I would get really nervous. Uh, about being pulled over, but for whatever reason, I looked at it differently. And, and you don’t notice these things until you’ve been practicing for a long time. Um, Uh, he, I was hoping to get out of the ticket and I should’ve stated that, but I didn’t. So next time I’m going to ask him, but he, he let me get away with, uh, with a ticket.
And a fix it ticket. And what was amazing was that because of my reaction, I was actually. There was a lot of gratitude that he stopped me because I was like going extremely fast, but he also has. I noticed that I hadn’t paid my registration. I completely forgot.
That I hadn’t paid my registration. And so that is, you know, looking at things from a perspective of gratitude. Rather than a perspective of something that’s happening to me, or this is bad. Um, so if you look at opportunities that are, that come, uh, and especially when you have hard moments, those are great opportunities for growth.
So your mindset, your perspective makes the huge difference with Mindvalley Wildfit. So just to recap, um, to get our cortisol down and I promise we will get to pancreas, but. This is good stuff here. But to get our cortisol down. Awareness is the first step. And I love that you said, um, it does not require a challenge like this big, hard task to do. Sometimes we think as humans, the only things that are going to really work, if the problem is significant, is this big, hard.
Uh, I needed to do, you know, hard 52 or whatever that program is right now instead of Mindvalley Wildfit in order to. To, to, to get real results when you’re saying no. How you drop cortisol in your everyday life is very simple. Very easy. It’s awareness. Oh, I’m panicked right now. And also it’s gratitude. Oh, what can I see? That’s good about this situation. Oh, thank you. Ad for popping up again. I’m going to take a breath.
That was me last night, I was playing a new game on my phone and this ad keeps popping up and I’m like, ah, Instead of that. I’m like every time an ad comes on, I can just breathe into it and have gratitude for that. That’s my chance to disconnect for a little bit. I love that. Okay, let’s dive into.
Uh, Tammy. Pancreas. Talk to us about the functions. And just take it away. All right. So the pancreas is my new favorite Oregon.
What was your, what was your old favorite organ?
Oh, that’s awesome.
So, um, I learned about The pancreas through Mindvalley Wildfit, it has two functions. Its job is to burn carbs, which is sugar. It’s breaks down to sugar and too far, in fact, Uh, now in modern day society, we are so used to burning chest sugar because we re we are raised that way. Um, did you know that 70% of Americans are obese? That’s it. That’s a big number.
That is a big number. And did you know that. Um, About 200 years or so ago. Uh, we were eating maybe, maybe the number’s a little bit off here, but we were eating four grams. No four pounds of sugar a year. It is now up to over 200 pounds of sugar a year.
And so. We start. Young eating sugar. We. We celebrate with sugar. We have birthday parties with sugar. Uh, And then our drinks now have sugar. And so throughout our lives, we’re constantly eating things that have sugar and the pancreas is constantly trying to balance it out because you can’t have that much sugar in your bloodstream.
Um, but if you were to go back in time and follow through Mindvalley Wildfit. Um, The hunter gather. Um, way of eating, they didn’t have an option of like, let’s go and get some ice cream. What they did was they ate with the seasons of the earth. Um, they moved with the herb, they moved with the animals so that they can hunt.
When winter came, there was hardly any food. So they were forced to fast in some, some situations. When spring came. There was no, there was lots of vegetation, but no fruit and no root vegetables. So they ate the plants that were there. And then when fall came, that was an abundance of fruits and vegetables and root vegetables. They ate more, uh, with carbs. And so the body developed in a way so that when there was no sugar,
It was able to burn the fact. That the body has. Um, however, Nowadays, we have to train people to get to those two modes now. Uh, they can’t. Many people cannot do it themselves, or if they actually do it. They do it. Accidentally and then cannot sustain it. Hmm. Because they don’t understand the psychology of what’s happening.
Uh, to them or how they’re, how they’re hacking their body so that they’re creating a diet mentality rather than a lifestyle mentality. So the diet mentality would be intermittent fasting. Is that what we’re talking about? The diet mentality is doing something for a short term. Uh, Just for physical change.
But not working with Mindvalley Wildfit on the psychology of why you do certain things, not understanding that the biology. Your biology is dictated by certain things. You are hardwired to want sugar. Hmm. So how do you live in this environment? And. Uh, be okay with having all this sugar around you and Ashley not choose to have it.
Well, that will tell us how do we do this Temi. Give me three steps, three steps to never craving sugar again. So I’m going to tell you right now, it’s a long process. Uh, for me, the program takes 90 days. Uh, to do. And what can we do? The first thing is you have to meet nutritionally satisfied. Most of us go on diets.
By restricting calories. But we’re still starving. We’re starving for nutrition. And most of us who are eating overeating, we are still starving for nutrition as well. Uh, because the things that we are eating. Does not. Work inside of our bodies. So the body’s constantly saying I’m hungry. Please feed me. But the foods that we feed ourselves does not allow the body to, to, to extract the ingredients that it needs to function. So even if you’re eating a lot and you use, you realize that you still get hunger pains, a few things that are happening.
You probably might be dehydrated. That’s the first thing. Uh, the second thing is you’re not eating or you’re not feeding your body enough fruits and vegetables to actually get those minerals and vitamins that Tristin vegetables have in order for yourselves to work. Um, And so what we do is we work on, I work on the psychology of the person.
Why do you love. Uh, let’s can tell me, what is your weakness? What is the one junk food that you wished you didn’t, you didn’t.
I wish I didn’t. Um, I have been eating really, really clean for the past year and a half. My body actually likes good foods, but pre a year and a half ago, potato chips, potatoes, my weakness. I loved them. Okay. So. Then, what we do is we talk to you about what is that the potato ship representing. So we get a deep down into what it is. That’s that.
That’s causing you, uh, two desires. Uh, potato chips. It could be an emotional attachment. It couldn’t be, you just need some salt and you’re eating it. Uh, out of habit and that’s where you get your salt. Um, or it could be a habit, a routine that you have created. Some people say I have to have a piece of chocolate right after dinner.
That satisfies my palette. And so we bring to the client’s consciousness. Hey. You have a certain rule. One of the rule is that you have to have some next week, right after you meet. And once the client is aware of that. Uh, that rule. Then we start to. Dissect it. Does that rule serve you? So I can actually answer that. The, what is it? What is it representing? What a powerful question. What is that representing? A potato chips for me were when I was in college, I would, uh, buy some potato chips out of the, you know, vending, whatever. And then I would sit there between classes and it was kind of like a me time and I would eat my chips and just love my me time.
And then when I was a young mom, Uh, I used to get those, uh, jalapeno kettle chips and a little bowl every night. It was like a ritual. It was a self-love ritual of eating potato chips. And that’s, that’s why I loved them. Oh, that’s excellent. So then we teach you how to rewire your brain so that you take care of yourself, your me time, but replace it with something that is actually nourishing and not an Ashley.
Related. How about a bath? How about some scented candles? How about a massage? Yeah, I can see how that question’s really powerful. What is it representing? And that’s the first time I’ve put those together. So that was really interesting. Good question. So then after you figure out, okay, here are my food rules or here are my, uh, food habits that are not serving me. What’s what’s our next step.
So, what we do then is we have these two things that we do. I’m not sure how much of this I should, um, reveal.
We teach you how to, um, first become aware so that the awareness is there. And then we teach you how to have that conversation within yourself. You’re already having that conversation. Should I eat it? No. I already ate a bowl. What, you know, so bring that to the forefront and have that conversation with yourself where you’re your.
There you have one side that says, well, I should, because I deserve it. And the other side says, well, you know, you shouldn’t be eating this because it’s bad for you. And so. Um, bring that to the forefront. And then, then you look at it objectively, look at the arguments. Objective, leave. So we teach you how to do that. And then you, as the third person watching these, these two.
Um, fight it out. You decide. Interesting. Ultimately we teach you. Um, the principles so that you have ultimate food freedom. So that when you walk into a room with. Donuts and bagels. And you. You can actually not. You see it, you acknowledge it. And you’re like, well, I used to love donuts, but I don’t like donuts today.
So you get, you have the ultimate food freedom you can choose to have the donor. With mindfulness. Or you can choose not to have the donut and either way works either way is good for you. Um, love this, this. Um, step one awareness, step two. Uh, the conversation with yourself, how does this play into the pancreas? I’m still waiting to hear, um, okay. This is how to turn on the pancreas and habit.
Uh, you know, Tooth fat instead of sugar or whatever it is that we’re trying to do here. Excellent. So, uh, we first, we, we, we pump up your nutrition. Um, there are six human hungers and the first one we satisfies thirst. So we teach you, you gotta drink more water. And, um, but w it’s not just here do these steps it’s, uh, working with, with a group of people.
Well, you know, whoever is in the group, we work together and we support one another with Mindvalley Wildfit. But we built habits incrementally from day to day. And so we build on top of what we learned in week one, we build on top of what we learned in week two. And then slowly. Uh, we’re going to, uh, Ask you to take a break from sugar.
Um, what that means is different for different people. But during that time, We’re asking you to. Be aware of your reaction? Are you. Having a 10 from inside of you because you can’t have that sugar. Uh, are you so relieved that you can, you’re not supposed to have the sugar. And so are you fighting with yourself and trying to argue with yourself? Well, I had a really bad day.
Maybe I should have some sugar. Maybe I had a really good day. Maybe I have some sugar. So all of these things come to the forefront and then slowly, once we beef up your nutrition and nutrition, we will slowly, um, Uh, teach you to now start eating, uh, beefing up. Um, more plants. And more meat products. And then if there’s, if people are vegan, then they, they go that route. But we teach, we teach them that as well.
Um, and eventually we slowly transitioned them. Out of, um, We transition them out of, uh, out of, um, sugar burning mode. And we support them through that. How is this different than going on a keto diet? That’s a very good question. So Quito is highly unsustainable. Uh, Quito is also. Um, Not. Not healthy in many ways. Many people think that if you eat a lot of fat, for example, cheese,
Um, Uh, sausages bacon. Um, as long as they eat a lot of fat, the they’ll be able to, uh, be in ketosis. Uh, however, there’s a few things that they’re missing. Number one, if you need that way, you’re, you’re going to have a heart attack. Um, it’s not sustainable. Um, and also you’re eating the wrong fats. Um, there are such thing as good fats.
Uh, healthy fats and bad fats. Um, so keto or ketosis is the body’s natural way of burning fat. However, it is not meant to be done permanently or long-term. And so again, we walk our clients through the whole process and then we teach them how to maintain that and how to keep that as a lifestyle, because we reward their brains.
To Ashley want the good stuff. And what I mean by the good stuff is that. Um, for example or broccoli. I do not like broccoli or I did not like broccoli. That was the one vegetable I’m just like, I don’t get it. Why do people like this stuff? But. Uh, through the program, I’ve rewired myself so much that you have this giant, uh,
Nerve from your gut to your brain. And. I have recalibrated that, that nerve so much that now broccoli tastes sweet. So if you actually get yourself to the way that you were eating naturally you Ashley. Uh, well realized that fruits and vegetables. Well, vegetables in general have their own nuances of sweetness and of tastes. And so we, we guide people through, by supporting them. We guide people through, by teaching them what’s happening through the process and by slowly getting them to that process so that they can, um, they can start ketosis.
But safely and actually, um, Uh, sustainably. I really appreciate that. Everything you’re saying is you don’t do it unless it is sustainable for a lifetime. You don’t go on a diet. You go slowly, you introduce one habit after the next, after the next. Um, the slow cut is the shortcut, right? The slow cut is the shortcut.
Will you talk really quickly. We’re running out of time here about talk to us about a WildFit and I think there’s a global challenge that you were talking about. Will you talk to us about that? So WildFit is, um, is the program that I teach P I walked people through, uh, it is 90 days. We have to go global challenge.
A year, um, In January right now, I’m running the, uh, one challenge right now. And then in the summer we’ll have another one. And the global challenge. All it is, is that it’s everybody. And all of the coaches come together and we do live zooms together every week. We, uh, videos are released every day for clients to listen to, and to understand why we’re doing what we’re doing and, and to build layers of, of habits that, that, um,
We’ll help them along the process. Well, I love the layers of habits. You, you had me at the word habit, so.
All right. Well, thank you so much for being here today. As we wrap things up reminder that the goal of this podcast. Is to program your brain to start instilling systems and habits into your life. It’s not about what you know, it’s about what you do. Starting one very small step at a time. We’ve got a giveaways here today from our sponsor card salad. Go to habits for humans.com and sign up for a free seven day eat real foods challenge. It’s seven days of recipes done for you shopping list. It’s your meal planning completely done for you.
For a week with an eye on getting those fruits and veggies in the Tammy talked about also want to encourage you to visit WildFit, uh, go to Tammy taylor.com and her links will be in the show notes in the. Uh, whatever platform you’re listening to or watching. Um, it’ll be in the show notes. So if find [email protected] it’s T E M Y taylor.com.
Thanks for joining us Temi. And thanks for our listeners. This is habits for humans, the podcast that teaches you how to program your brain to maximize your potential. Thank you in advance also for giving us a positive review. Thanks everyone. Thank you so much.