In this episode of Habits for Humans with Kim Flynn, we discuss how personal trainer Robbie Hall went from having a 0% success rate giving his clients prescribed nutritional habits and plans to phenomenal success by having his clients track their own steps. In this podcast, Robbie explains how tracking your sleep, water, food, and movement can be mindful and joy-filled nutritional habits instead of obsessive. Learn the eight steps of tracking for a simple, enjoyable path to health.
Welcome to Habits for Humans, the show that explores how to program your brain to maximize your potential. The goal of this podcast is to teach you how to instill systems and habits to live a healthy, sustainable, deeply satisfying way of life.
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OUR GUEST: Robbie Hall
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Kim Flynn is a best-selling author, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur who has built multiple businesses to 7 and 8 figures. She is the CEO of Card Salad, a health and wellness company that provides organizational products to live a healthy, sustainable, deeply satisfying way of life. Kim is a frequent guest expert in systems and habits on podcasts, television and radio shows.
Do you have expertise and a unique solution to a specific health and wellness problem? If you would like to be a guest on the show, apply here: https://habitsforhumans.com/contact/
Kim Flynn: Hi, and welcome to habits for humans. The podcast that explores what makes people tick and how to program this brain of ours to do what we actually want it to do. I’m your host, Kim Flynn. And today we’re going to talk to Robbie hall. Super excited to talk to him about a topic that is near and dear to my heart. And that is the nutritional habits.
System and a process. And so Robbie’s going to talk to us about tracking and logging. Nutrition and activity. And when you started doing this as life completely changed. I don’t know about you, but tracking and logging. I’m a business person, right. And everything is about tracking and logging, not for the sake of tracking and logging it, but because it can predict when you, when you track the past, you can predict the future and you can make different goals happen.
So I’m so excited to to listen to Robbie and say and figure out how to apply that to, to our health and our fitness. And I also want to emphasize a lot of the, this podcast has really been focused on not dieting and not treating ourselves like a project to be controlled. I just want to be sensitive to that topic at the same time. How can we track nutritional habits while not obsessing and developing an eating disorder about it?
So if we’re neurotic, we’ve gone too far. So Robbie, I would like to also talk about that and make sure that we keep that balance in mind as well. We have a giveaway for our listeners at the end, we’ve got a giveaway from our sponsor called. we also have a giveaway from Robbie’s business. And so stay tuned all the way into the until the end, if you like free stuff. And we’ve got lots of free stuff here for you.
A word from our sponsors habit for humans is brought to you or habits for humans is brought to you by card salad, a health and wellness company that teaches you how to program your brain using systems and habits. So, you know how everyone wants to eat healthy, but it takes so long to meal plan and you end up just eating a dyno nuggets and frozen tater tots.
So instead of that plan for lunch today, confession here, Robbie. I had some Costco tamales in the microwave, 30 seconds. It was good though. It was really good. But yeah, I didn’t meal plan this weekend. It’s apparent. So what I did is create a product called eat well, it’s made by the company card salad. It’s a done for you meal planning system. It comes with a menu board. You hang on your refrigerator, you have all the recipes on your refrigerator.
It comes with a done for your shopping list. You just load that into your shopping. Your favorite grocery store and it’s kind of like blue apron or all those meal delivery services with only 10% of the expense. And you don’t kill the environment by throwing out all of that stuff. So if you’re interested in that, we actually have a giveaway for you at the end, which is a week of meal planning done for you. The recipes gradually get healthier and healthier and a little bit leaner, a little bit leaner as you go.
So you’re not jumping into a diet you’re slowly training your body. And how to eat healthy. So stay tuned the end that would deliver it to your email inbox on, and I’ll show you how to get that. So I’m super excited to introduce Robbie hall. Robbie hall is the owner of mobile muscle. I actually liked that name a lot. He teaches a branded style of group fitness at four separate studios with core power yoga.
He helps people with their goals to burn fat shred muscle and have fun doing it. So Robbie, we always start with your number one habit to manage your own mental wellness, especially post 2020. All of us, I just got off a podcast. A minute ago. With a doctor who specializes in stress and what that does to us. And he said that our nation is facing a stress epidemic of crazy proportions over 90% of us.
Our reporting in the U S our reporting that we are massively stressed. And so that’s what we always start this podcast with. What is the practice that you do to manage the stress of daily life?
Robbie Hall: It’s Very simple.
I walk my dog.
I found I’ve got a path, takes me about a mile.
that has been my key to my sanity.
I almost got us terrier. He’s a great dog.
And when COVID first.
That was one of the big changes.
that I made In my life was regular.
walking. And, I have to, I have two boys.
And I used to rely on them a lot on helping walk him. And I’ll make sure it’s something I do as nutritional habits on a daily basis. Just that time being to yourself. I’m also spending time with my little guy.
but it’s just a ritual And that allows me to kind of de connect.
from, you know, the tech, technological world. Being on my phone and working on your house. Now on social media.
Kim Flynn: So this
Robbie Hall: But.
Kim Flynn: A habit that I would love to, to get to implement into the nutritional habits of my life. So I’m a gym girl. I go to the gym three times a week, pretty consistently, but I would love to go walk my dog and listen to a book on audio. I’ve done it several times and I kind of get in the habit and then I fall out. How did you get in that habit? What did you do to put those nutritional habits in, to instill in place?
Robbie Hall: I just told myself, I said, I’m going to walk shit. My dog’s name is sheriff.
A Little Scottish terrier.
And I said, I’m going to walk in every day. And I actually did. I did listen to although I’ve.
Gotten out of the habit of listening to.
books, I listen to music. Not a lot, but I did. You know, listen to Auto audio books I read ’em or listened to.
Dracula Bram Stoker’s Dracula. The first time I’d ever.
I, it was a lot different than what I thought it was.
going to be, but Yeah.
it’s it’s definitely helped.
helps me in my, in my personal life. Just taking that time to get away and. and.
just taking time to yourself.
and doing what. What you find enjoyable as opposed to, you know, trying to be connected and having to be.
you. At someone’s need.
Kim Flynn: I love that you said it’s, it needs to be enjoyable. And I strongly agree. I completely strongly agree and also love that. It’s so simple. Right. We’re out. W w we’re looking for like these complicated plans and systems. If your brain works like mine does. Yours probably does a few like checklists.
Robbie Hall: Yes
Kim Flynn: like this, this complicated plan, because it’s hard for us. I’m speaking for myself here because it’s hard for me to lose weight or, or hard to feel like I’m making nutritional habits progress. I think, oh, it needs to be complicated in order for it to work. And I love the simplicity of that. Okay.
So let’s get in tracking, tell us all about tracking. How do we do it? What do you track? What is your story of finding, tracking? Give it all to us.
Robbie Hall: Awesome.
First off, I just like to say, I appreciate that you used the word simplicity.
Each week I theme and all of my classes.
working with clients doing nutrition?
group fitness, one-on-one fitness, I theme every week. My nutritional habits theme this week is simplicity. And I focus mainly on. Just slowing things down and focusing on your breath.
And so I appreciate the use that word simplicity, because.
it really ties in to my theme for this week.
I believe.
and keeping things as very simple as possible and making sure that it’s something that we enjoy. I tell every single person I work with. If this becomes a stress in your life.
It’s time to back off and step away from nutritional habits.
Even if it’s For a day, two days a week.
This will always be back here, tracking, logging, paying attention to our fitness or movement on nutrition.
that will always be there.
And. What we have to understand.
Is that re-injured joy. These moments in our life that are celebrations holidays.
We enjoy those.
when we allow ourselves to pay attention.
to Tracking.
logging on nutritional habits throughout the week.
If it ever gets to that point, where It’s no longer enjoyable. We’ve taken.
We’ve taken the entire purpose out of all of this.
and our goal is to keep things manageable. Stress-free not just trying to lose weight, not just trying to look better or.
it’s about how do these nutritional habits affect everything in your life and everything So mine is very, yeah, mine is very simple. I
My process is.
it’s. It’s. A very simple eight step nutritional habits program.
And I walk you through.
and you know what, some people. Some people stay in. Step one, step two, some people progress to the eighth step.
It doesn’t really matter where you are along that journey.
Kim Flynn: Well now I’m dying to know you have to give us the big picture. What are the, what are the eight
steps Big picture.
Robbie Hall: So the eight nutritional habits steps are very simple. Step one is simply watching your sleep and your water intake.
Two Things that we have to have in life, We can’t survive without. Our sleep.
and water. And if you can simply pay attention. To these basic necessities in your life. Well, now you’ve created a habit of tracking And for a lot of us. You know, we want to get into, I’m glad you brought up diet. We want to get in and we want to diet.
And it’s, it becomes so overwhelming.
There’s so many details, so many moving parts and it consumes everything about your life.
And so my nutritional habits goal is, is to try to teach you.
You don’t necessarily have to diet.
You don’t have to watch your macronutrients. You don’t.
have to watch your calories.
Now, Obviously that’s something.
we want you to do. We want you to get to that point. But if it’s becoming. Stressful and taking away from your life.
and you enjoying your life.
and it’s no longer serving your purpose.
Kim Flynn: So many good things here. So I swore off not like extreme nutritional habits, but I used to weigh myself almost every single day. And if the, if the scale went up a pound, then I was like, oh no, I’m fat. I’m, you know, The sky is falling and if I’d lost a pound, I was like, yay. Awesome. I don’t want to have that.
I control my mood. Right? So I’ve just said, you know what, I’m going to stop doing the, the, the. You know, weighing myself because I tend to obsess about it. How do we track? And let’s go back to your step one, your sleeping, your water. How do we track that? Logistically? Like getting, tell us how to do it. And then how do we make sure that it’s not obsessive?
Robbie Hall: Mine is very simple.
I wake up in the morning and it’s what time did I wake up?
What time did I go to bed?
And I don’t pay attention so much to the quality of my sleep or how many times I got up throughout the night.
It’s simply creating a habit of paying attention to.
it and be mindful of it.
And, you know, and that’s honestly, the question you’re asking me is most clients that I work with, that’s the first question I asked is, well, how do I track my sleep? So you don’t.
You really don’t need to track it as much as you just need to pay attention to it on a daily basis.
When did I go to sleep?
When I wake up? Very simple.
Kim Flynn: So it’s almost like it’s not about the paper and like having a nutritional habits track and having a graph that you can, you can tell I’m obsessive here. It’s not about that. It’s about noticing that’s it. And that’s the reason for the tracking. The tracking is to notice.
Robbie Hall: And to be mindful.
and to create that habit of bringing it into the forefront of your mind. Knowing that sleep.
And water are.
in your breath obviously, but those are the three most important things you cannot live without.
those, our breath is obviously voluntary.
Or sleek we can pay attention to And our water consumption as well. And mine is simple. I have a 24 hours water.
bottle. I just count how many times I fell up throughout the day.
And I’ll tell you the same thing.
I’ve had many clients and they say, well, how much water do I need to drink? You know, what.
you drink when you’re thirsty and it’s not about how much water you need.
to consume, you know, how much you need to consume. But just being mindful of that, don’t let your go. Don’t let yourself. So that’s my step one.
If you can prove to yourself.
that you can do that consistently.
And for me as a week.
you can do it for seven days. That’s.
fine. Some people’s three days. It’s everybody’s different.
When you know that you’ve got that handled.
Then we move on to the next step.
which is paying attention to your good.
Kim Flynn: I’m loving Robbie, how Mr. Zen, you are. So
even I’m even comparing my pacing and my voice to yours. You’re like, lamella like, calm the fuck down. It’s kind of what you’re saying. And I’m like, let’s go, let’s go on a track. What about track?
Robbie Hall: Yes.
Kim Flynn: really appreciate just that energy of okay. We are, the way we’re tracking nutritional habits is we’re not saying I have a, you know, a list of checklists and we’re tracking every time we take a drink and we’re measuring the water and we’re writing down how many micronutrients we took from the water.
We’re not doing any of that obsessive stuff. We’re tracking, but in a non obsessive way. Okay. So just to recap again for myself, This the way you track sleep is truly just to look at the clock and say it is 2:30 AM Kim. It’s time to go to bed. Can you tell some of my unhealthy habits here? I’m like revealing all to the Zen Robbie here.
And then when you wake up, you say, okay, it is, you know, seven 30 in the morning. You’re waking up and then for the water, I love the idea of just a water bottle. We’re not trying to hit a goal. There are no goals here. We are trying to pay attention to what our body is telling us. You are thirsty and just tracking how many times we refill that. I’m loving this. All right. Step two.
So step one. And we also love, love, love the principle of you. Don’t move on. You. Don’t try to take on your entire life of nutritional habits. You just take on one step at a time. You master that slowly, and then you move on to step two.
Robbie Hall: Yes. So when I first started working with clients, my.
success rate. W was literally 0%.
And the reason being was because I would just give you And this is for me personally, when I would go through nutrition programs or fitness programs on.
my own, they were all very similar. You have a person that gives you a packet. It has a grocery list. It has your meals lined up for each day? It has, your workouts were supposed to do.
and this is it’s unsustainable.
and most people we’re not robots.
Kim Flynn: It’s zero to 80 overnight. it’s all of a sudden have a completely healthy lifestyle overnight.
Robbie Hall: And when I first started in this business.
I followed that strategy.
of giving everybody all the information at once. And then wondering why will nobody succeeds?
And when I broke it down and said, we’re no longer going to have an expectation of what you need to be and what you need to do.
because everybody is different. Even if you look at all our basic nutritional habits studies, you go through any program. All we’re looking at is studies on a large group of people.
For example.
and this, I don’t want this to sound.
offhanded, but We know for a fact.
that cigarettes kill people. We know this studies prove that.
But they don’t kill everybody. There are some people that smoke until they’re 80 years old.
And it’s not healthy, but this is, I apply that same concept is.
What we’re trying to do is what’s, what’s generally healthy for everybody.
but understanding that we’re all individuals And everybody’s different.
And all we’re trying to do.
Is take baby steps each and every week.
to be better versions of ourselves, as opposed to trying to take an entire nutritional habits program.
and say, you need to follow this.
So you can be this type of person. It’s if all you’re trying to do is take goals on yourself. Small steps to improve.
We’re always going to get better.
as opposed to here’s 10 things you need to do starting today. And if you don’t do this, you’re going to fail. And this is not going to be successful at the end. So my second step is very simple.
Is this tracking what you eat. And.
For some people.
they use an app.
some people write it down. Some people take a picture of their food. Some people just at the end of the day, they just kind of tally up with eight.
All we’re trying to do is get you to be mindful of your nutritional habits.
of what you’re eating.
And it’s not trying to tell you that you have to eat a certain number of vegetables throughout the day.
or a certain number of protein. it’s just being very mindful of nutritional habits and what you’re putting into your body. So step one speed. Water.
You can handle that.
And move on to the next step.
and just being mindful.
And Paying attention to what you’re eating.
If you can do that successfully.
Then we move on to the next step.
which at this point, as we began to start counting your nutritional habits tolerance, Now. We’re going to go back to the very beginning here.
About not being obsessive and about not making this.
The basis of everything you’re doing. I have.
Plenty of clients.
that do not want to count.
calories whatsoever. And that is completely fine.
I, I believe.
that just like I try to use your body.
In the same way that We use our budget.
with our money.
If you’re trying to be successful.
With your money.
and if you’re trying to create wealth, generate wealth.
Your first step is to, to get into your checkbook and start.
balancing your checkbook. I believe that was your body as well. But that doesn’t mean that that’s the only way to succeed.
But if you can do that, if you can begin to track your sleep and water, you can do that. You can create that habit. And you create the habit of watching your food on a daily basis. If you can do those two things and you’re successful with it.
Then we began to look at the contents of.
the food.
Kim Flynn: I love the principle of not throwing out the baby with the bath water. Right? So because counting calories can lead to dieting mindset can lead to obsession about your body can lead to not very pleasant characteristics. And also not only can lead to that, but, but can be indicative of that.
So I want to be sensitive to that, but also I love the analogy of the checkbook here. If we’re tracking calories, not because we are trying to obsess or trying to control or trying to, but just truly to be mindful. Then awesome. What uh What a powerful tool for you to be able to say, yes, I am overeating or yes, I am under eating.
So I really appreciate that. It, it’s not what you do. It’s, it’s how you do it, or it’s not what you do. It’s why you do it. It’s it’s not obsessing and checking yourself when you obsess. And instead of using it as a tool, I appreciate that. Okay. So that’s step three, counting calories.
Robbie Hall: And, and I’ll tell you this too. You know what I, I fought. Most of the time. I have plenty of clients that come in. And they are not eating enough.
And you don’t realize this until you start paying attention to it.
And a lot of the problem.
with our society right now, is looking around at our culture and saying that They’re trying to try and almost like body shame, trying to take you away from what your body is.
and what you should be like. And it forces people to start themselves. And.
it there are both sides of that.
There are people that will completely over overeat and there are plenty of people that.
are not eating enough. Because they don’t understand, they don’t understand that simple concept. The F the fourth step, and this is where it begins to get more complex. Is starting to track the calories that you’re burning.
And coming back to.
a very simple formula. Is that. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
And if we take and just understand simply what we burn and the energy that we used throughout today.
In order to be healthy, we need to put that food back into the system.
So it’s understanding how much calories.
are we burning And turning that into How many calories are eating
and trying to find the balance between the two. So, this is where it gets in it. And this is going to get back to me, walking my dog. Is simply getting people to walk more.
And understanding that most of the people I work with are at desk jobs. They sit at a desk. I have one guy that’s a truck driver. He sits in a truck all day.
And a lot of times people think that what they need to do is they need to get out and go hit the gym. And it becomes.
When they don’t have that time to do that.
it becomes. Like a failure to them. And I try to teach people to maximize their efficiency throughout the day. To increase your step count simply by walking more.
So it’s things like on your lunch break.
instead of eating food at your desk.
Getting up and walking to another part. You know, maybe walking out to your car.
Walking to the park. Walking to another part of the, the office.
just getting yourself, moving, and get some activity involved in.
and take your break there.
Going to the grocery store, simple things. like, instead of trying to find that parking spot.
at the beginning of the, of the lot.
just park at the end. Giving yourself just that opportunity to walk more. And so what I try to do is get people to understand, to maximize them on. Efficiency throughout the day. So, and to me, walking is one of the most important things that you can do.
And, and I’m going to, I’m going to tell you this, I believe this gym time, whether it’s a yoga lifting weights, cardio. None of that matters. If we’re not paying attention to the other areas of our So one of the most powerful things that you can do is stay focused on your daily routine.
and just learn how to increase small things like walking more. Increasing your level of activity, just a little bit more instead of sitting down and watching I get up and walk your dog.
and use that. As your a is your tool stressful?
Kim Flynn: such good stuff.
We’re so used to hearing these long lists of things that we can do. Right. We’ve all heard park farther away from the grocery store or take the stairs instead of the elevator. And we’ve, we’ve all heard these like long lists. Right. And I don’t know about you, but in my mind, whenever I hear a long list of like, oh yeah, I should do that.
Should I do that? Should I do that? I know in my head that I’m not going to do any of it. So here’s the challenge that I want to offer to our listeners and to myself, Robbie, maybe to you as well, let’s choose one of those. Do it. If you have an elevator. At your work, my office building has an elevator. I am going to choose the, that one. I will not this week and not forever just this week to make it small right. This week, I will take the stairs every time.
If you don’t have that situation in your life and you still go to the grocery store, you can say this week, I will park far away. Or what are some other ideas for us? I’ve just like truly taking on a miniature challenge right now and putting this into play. So what other ideas. Can we give them.
Robbie Hall: I’ll
tell you one thing is instead of getting up and going for a walk. Just getting up and walking to your mailbox.
Looking around, outside and enjoying outside, whether it’s warm cold, Just taking a few moms to go look outside.
And then turn around and walk back into your house. Not even saying that you have to commit to going out and taking a long walk or going on a jog.
Let’s Just get up and walk out of your house and just enjoy what’s around.
you. And then the next day, maybe walking just a little bit farther down the road, just.
kind of looking around.
I’ll tell you our cell phones, which most of us carry on us at all times. And I know not everybody does, but most people do.
have a.
We don’t realize this. They have a step tracker.
in there. They will tell you at the end of the day, how many steps that you take. And when I talk about trying to improve.
And be just a little bit better than you were the week before. One of the most powerful tools you could do was go into your stat tracker.
and look how many steps that you take.
And simply just say all I’m going to do this week.
Is improved by.
5%. Simple number 5% at such a small number, but if you hit that goal, You’ve made a win. Very significant when.
Kim Flynn: How different is that?
Do you remember when the, when the little Fitbit’s came out years ago, everyone had one and it was like, you have to hit 10,000 steps to be in the cool kids club or like 12,000 steps. Or I had a friend who is like 20,000 steps and I was like, oh, like,
It’s obsessive. Right? We’re talking about obsessive again versus. You make a very small wind for yourself and a very small goal of I’m just going to hit. I’m just going to make 5% higher.
How sane inducing is that. Thank you for this message of St. Inducing. All right, we’ve got to, we got to rush through, I know you have four more steps. Such good stuff so far, let’s go through those last four steps in the next five minutes.
Robbie Hall: I’ll go through them fast. Step four.
now we’ve we’ve counted our calories out.
It’s blending those two together.
And just keeping track of whether you’re at a surplus, a deficit, or or for me,
or for maintaining very simple.
And then we’ve already started looking at the food.
And this is high level is if you, if you want to get to that point, and this is your choice, you don’t have to be here to be successful. But as we start looking at your protein, the protein that you eat. Then we look at how much. Carbohydrates, you
eat. And how much fat you’re eating. You can be anywhere in this program and be ultra successful. You can be ultra successful just by increasing your sleep and your water. You can be ultra successful without looking at your food and just increasing your activity. There’s multiple paths here to get to that next level.
All we’re
trying to do is take small, simple steps.
as opposed to saying this is the program. You follow this program and you’re going to, you’re going to be in great shape. Everybody’s different. You know, everybody’s different.
But you know, the way I look at it I’ll, I’ll give you a brief analogy. and and what was powerful.
to me is looking at like tennis. You can go out and you can play tennis. My, my girlfriend plays tennis and we’ll go out there and I felt like I’m doing great against her. And when we keep track of score, I realized she’s being. And that’s the way that we look at it as.
You just got to look at the score just to see where you stand. And understand that there’s different ways to win by taking small. Sometimes it’s all I’m going to do is I’m going to use my forehand and hit inside the boundary.
And if I can hit inbounds on my forehand 10 times, this.
camp I won, regardless of what the ultimate score is, that’s a win from me.
Maybe it’s your backhand, Maybe it’s your serve, but you start compiling All of these little wins together.
And start paying attention to them. The big picture gets completely effected.
So all I try to do like a says small steps Create wins for people.
make you feel good about yourself?
become the best version of yourself possible as you can each and every week just taking baby steps.
And I love that. We’re not looking, especially here that you brought that up at the Diets.
fad diets. These things are not successful. They’re not sustainable. They’re not good for your mental health. How do we, how do we contribute to our hell? By just looking at what we’re doing and just being a little bit better each and every week.
Kim Flynn: So you have, I don’t know if people will tell you this before, but you have this hypnotic. Sense about you. Like I find myself, even though I’m doing this interview, I find myself just like, yes, I need to do that.
I so appreciate that. That’s the That’s for me is the test of a mentor or someone I would want to follow. It’s not exactly the words that people say, it’s the meaning and the energy and the intention behind them. And just a compliment to you. You can feel your Zen ness, you can feel your you’re not obsessive and you’re not about everyone follow those plans, you know, that kind of thing.
And so I really appreciate that about. About users. It’s just a compliment for you. You are Zen hypnotic. How’s that?
All right. Last question here. Before we wrap up, if you could have one message to tell the world, what would it be? Mr. Robbie hall?
Robbie Hall: Spend time with your loved ones and enjoy every moment of it.
Kim Flynn: Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Well said. All right. As we wrap things up reminder that the goal of this podcast is to program your brain, to start instilling systems and habits into your daily life. It’s not about what you know, it’s about what you do. Starting one very small step at a time. And for our listeners, I’d love to encourage you to choose one of those things that we talked about for me, again, I’m going to be taking these stairs every day, this week.
Instead of the elevator to the third floor, and that is easy and small, and I can start building that system or sorry, that habit. And so I’d encourage you to do the same thing. We have a giveaway from our sponsor card salad. Go to habits for humans.com and sign up for a free seven day eat real foods challenge. It’s seven days of recipes done for your shopping list and your meal planning is done for you.
For a week. Robbie has a free yoga sculpt class. It’s Vinyasa mixed with a weight training. On his YouTube channel. If you check the show notes, we’ll have all the links to Robbie and this free yoga sculpt class. Robbie, will you tell a little bit more about that?
Robbie Hall: Yeah, I w. Changed my path to fitness. I was very was very concerned about my body image.
And when I got into yoga, I.
I learned how little that actually matters.
And YOKA is all about connecting.
your breath with your movement and then learning how to apply that to your life.
Saw the yoga sculpt class that I teach is a high intensity class that teaches you to breathe through adversity.
So as opposed to just going out and cranking the workout in it’s trying to learn to breathe through the difficulty of the challenge.
And we use.
dumbbells, if you would like to increase that level of intensity.
So there’s always multiple paths to getting you to another level of intensity.
but it’s really just about breathing through the challenge.
And that is my ultimate goal, with everybody I work with is just learning to.
know That life is full of challenges.
adversity, obstacles and for us to learn how to get through those by simply breathing through it.
Kim Flynn: Oh, so. Well said, I’m kind of jealous right now. I do the classic Jim thing and I enjoy it. Recently moved from a gym that had I don’t know. Jimmy people in it to lots and lots of hosts.
Next to a college university, everyone around me is 22 and in 22 year old shape and there’s
mirrors everywhere. And every focus when you work out is this is what you look like. This is what you look like. This is what you look like. Change to a gym without all the mirrors. It’s probably going to go out of business. There’s hardly anyone there. It’s sad.
But just realizing how different my mental space is when I’m not focused on how do I look, but focusing on how does it feel to do the exercise? And oh man, you talking about yoga just makes me want to get back into yoga. That’s a beautiful, a beautiful space to work out in. Let’s see. So that is the end of Robbie’s. Anything else you want to say about what people can do to work with you or your business?
Robbie Hall: Certainly my website is mobile muscle max.com. You can find me on Instagram, under mobile muscle max and my YouTube channel is mobile muscle. And you can see my Vinyasa yoga sculpt classes on there.
Kim Flynn: All right. Well, we’ll make sure all of that information is in the show notes and thank you, Robbie. Thank you for joining us. Thanks to our listeners. This is habits for humans, the podcast that teaches you how to program your brain to maximize your potential. And thank you in advance for giving us a positive review.
Thanks so much everyone.